Chapter one

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My apartment was not much, but it was mine it had a decent sized bedroom with a bed, side table, a chest for clothing, a small kitchen to one end of the living space, with a microwave so I could nuke food I really was not much of a cook, and a shower and bathroom combi. I do not own very much, most of my belongings I could ditch and not miss. just clothes, a small radio and books. I always have a book on me, I guess I could be said to be an avid reader preferring to leaf through the pages of a book than watch tv, I had been living here for the last six months, since I had left my hometown, for the most part it had been a good experience, I had a job providing a small income sufficient to meet my needs and a fledgling social life, I had made a few acquaintances that I was on nodding terms to a few others that I could go out with on the occasions that I felt the need to escape my small studio flat. So, in all life was okay not perfect but okay, promising.

I got up the next morning shaved, showered, had some toast and coffee, and went to work much as I do every day. I work for a building firm as an apprentice in the contracts department, it was a good job, opportunities for advancement, I had not completed college so the opportunity to apprentice with the firm and learn from the bottom up was a good route for me, I had been excited to get the job, and it had so far proven to be everything I had hoped for when I applied.

The only thing that blotted the sun from my horizon was Mark, do not get me wrong as my boss he was fair, taught me a lot, the problem was me, I had a massive crush, I could not look at him straight in the eye I jumped every time he came in the room and had even found myself zoning out day dreaming about him. It was bloody ridiculous I needed to get a grip on my emotions, he was so manly he had to be straight, right? Not that I could just go up to him and ask either, he was so far out of my league.

He had the bluest of eyes, and brown hair that curled slightly at the ends he was tall about 6 foot 5 inches and broad chested. If I closed my eyes it was not hard to imagine that under his Ted Baker Tees that he was ripped. Shit stop it Kyle, you need to keep this job get your mind on work I tell myself and take a massive swig of coffee, only to chock on it coughing and spluttering, and struggling to catch my breath and then it happened, a hand.. handing me a handkerchief.

I regained my breath and looked up straight into the eyes of mark, oh my god breath I tell myself,

"You Okay Kyle"

"Yep I'm fine" I squeaked.

He handed me a glass of water "You Sure, you're Okay?" he looked at me concern in his eyes, I did not kid my self that it was any more than the concern of a boss for a junior colleague.

"No.. I mean yes I am fine "I said swigging down some of the water.

"Well If you are sure" and with that he was turning and walking away.

I picked up the glass and went to the small staff kitchen at the back of the office to put it in the dish washer, I did not hear anyone come in so I was surprised when I stood up and turned to be staring straight into the eyes of mark for the second time that morning. I could not move I knew I should but I could not seem to make my legs work, It was Mark who broke the silence, sweeping his hair from his eyes,

"You look very cute today Kyle".

What? My brain was going into a spin Mark the  sex god, my boss, had said I looked Cute? I was now questioning if I heard him right. I could feel myself sinking into a puddling mess in front of him.

"Tttthanks" I stammered my hands gripping to the countertop behind me.

"Would you like to go grab a coffee later". He seemed amused at my nervousness, to be honest I was not sure if I wanted to go for a coffee with him, sure I had a crush but how could he possibly be interested in me that way I did not know what to think not to mention he was my boss.

"Well"? He was frowning know It was not making me any less nervous "I won't bite" he chuckled its "just a coffee ".

I thought for a few moments then decided I would take the plunge "Yes yes okay sure I would love to".

He smiled at me and nodded "Good 5pm at that place on Park Street" and with that he turned and walked out of the kitchen. 

Oh my God Mark my crush had asked me out for a coffee did he like me too was he gay.


The café was small and intimate one of those Artisan places with lots of nooks and crannies filled with interesting objects, I sat at the back at a small table waiting for Kyle to arrive , I had known he was my mate for some time. to be honest he was breathtaking, small even for a human at about 5 foot 7" with and black hair and large sea green eyes  that crinkled at the corners when he smiled,  the second my eyes landed on him I was captivated, I had never thought to have a male mate it was not unheard of, the fact he was human? honestly it was a surprise, it is not all that common to have a human mate and I was not sure how I was going to approach him on the subject. 

As a lion, I had been on my own since I had turned eighteen and had left my fathers pride. My elder brothers, twins, had left the year before me, it had not been a good leaving for them it was the culmination of several fights with our father's lion, I had decided to go before it came to that and had spent the last few years establishing myself in business and building a life of my own, Mates pushed far to the back of my mind. I had succeeded in running a moderate Building company  I started out in partnership with a college friend but bought him out a few years ago and now I run the company on my own. we had been friends through college and he knew about lions shifters. Don't get me wrong, I love both my parents, but no alpha lion can tolerate another adult lion in the same territory, even if they are his sons he loved us, loved me, but he had rarely seen me since I left, that was just the way it was. 

I looked up as the bell above the door jingled and there he was. Kyle looked around the café his eyes lighted on me and he smiled it was like a ray of sunshine. every time he smiled he took my breathe away.

"Hi I hope I have not kept you waiting to long"

"No, no what would you like to drink" I said breathing in his sent that tickled my nose and sent warmth flooding through my body.

"" he chewed his bottom lip and I swallowed my trousers tightening damn that was sexy mind out of the gutter Mark.   "A Latte would be fine thanks" he said.

I got up to get his drink, when I came back he was looking at one of the many books that were scattered about the café for customers to read.

Do you enjoy reading? I asked 

"mm Yes I do very much so, I have been meaning to come in here for a while but never had the chance to until now" He smiled closing the book and looking me straight in the eyes. 

They were sparkling and I just wanted to gaze into them forever, 

"Do you read"? he asked.

"Yes I do when I get the time to not as much as I would like to though"  

He looked down at the table and reached for his coffee, he seemed to be making time to gather his thoughts.

"Why did you invite me for coffee"? he asked me nervously.

A/N: Hi just a quick note I am new to writing on Wattpad, and accidently I have not tagged that this book will contain smut and one incident of non-consensual sexual assault I will give a warning where relevant. Thank you to everyone who has read the story so far.

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