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Sierra-Lynn Kris Maddox
Wednesday 6:11am
Oct 13

i woke up to dracos alarm i picked up my phone and checked the time and woke up draco because of his alarm he got up walked out the room an came back like 1 minute later

"what's wrong ?"

"nothing i just gotta take demetrius to school"

"i can take him i'm on the way to get nova and yvonne anyways"

"shit knock yourself out." he said as he tossed me his keys

"imma bring some food back watchu want"

"whatever you get"

"bet" i walked out in one of his jackets and his sweatpants and went to demetrius room and told him come on

"you driving me ?" he said as we got in the car

"yea what time you gotta be there ?"


"damn why you get up so early ?"

"my dad run errands before he drop me off "

"you wanna come sit in the front ?"

"h- i mean yea" he climbed in the front and we began driving

"where we going"

"gotta get my kids"

"you got kids ?"


"how many ?"

"2 girls"

"how old they is ?"


"oh okay"

like 2 minutes later we pulled up to junie house and she was outside with nova sleep in her arms and yvonne holding her leg

"those yo kids ?"

"yeah stay here"

i got out and buckled up nova in and junie buckled in yvonne i said goodbye to junie and left.



"you got a nickname?"


"imma call you meech"

" oh okay"

"what time is it ?"

"uhhmm 6:38"

"bet what you want to eat"

"ouu can we get mc donald's ?"


after getting 7 hash browns, 2 Sausage McMuffin with egg meals, 3 apple juices, and 2 packs of apple slices i parked to sort our the food.. i gave the twins 1 hash brown split in half, one pack of apple slices each, and 1 apple juice each and i gave the other to meech and he got 2 hash browns. the rest was for me and draco.

"you ready meech ?"

"yes ma'am" he said with his mouth full

"whea you at ?"

"i'm at the gas station"

"what's ya cashapp ?

"you don't have to pay me for taking ya son and i'm bout to fill up ya tank"

"i can't have you fillin up my tank out yo pocket

"i'm good"

"ight, i'm bouta take my other car to the store."


"extra key in yo purse by the way" he said hanging up

i filled the tank and left

i've just been chilling here with draco all day and it was 2 so we were otw to get meech

"yvonne come on baby"

i was currently trying to get yvonne off the ground but she just kept crying.

"blackbird sitting in the dead of night. take these broken wings and learn to fly. you were only waiting for this moment to arrive"

"woah voice ?"

"only time she calms down"

"you should be a singer asum shit ya voice beautiful"

"naaaa i couldn't handle all that" i said buckling a now sleeping yvonne in the car seat.

"of course you could." he said buckling nova in her seat with his phone in her hand

we was about to pick up meech from school and then go to some fall festival for his school.

"maybe i could but i'm doin hair and nails for now"

we pulled up to the school and i seen meech outside crying then i looked over to see draco looked mad and confused. then i got the car

"meech what's wrong" i asked getting on his level which wasn't that low

"them boys. they told the girl i like that ian got no momma and she laughed" he said sniffing

"what fucking boys?" me and meech not even close but i was still mad and don't even know why

"the boys in my class" i looked back to see draco holding yvonne and nova who was still on his phone. i grabbed meechs hand and went in the head with draco following behind me

"where ya class at meech?"

"right here" i walked in and draco followed close behind

"excuse me" i said and some old ass man turned around

"yes ma'am?"

"some kids in ya class been bullying my son" i said firmly and felt meech staring at me

"oh- Mrs- Karrat...i didn't know demetrius had a mother"

"meech what's them boys names?"

"hassan, juhmel, june, and jerome"

"yeah them kids been bullyin my kid sooo fix dat"

"well the most i can do is set up a conference" he said stuttering

"yeah do dat cause i fight kids and they mommas" i said walking out with meech

"mrs. karrat you say ?"

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