Atsushi x reader

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Quick note all of these are dependent on the link in the description. If you don't check it out you might not completely understand these one-shots. Now to the one shot!

It was a late Saturday morning and in a warm queen-sized bed laid a resting couple.  The said couple was the president of the armed detective agency, Atsushi Nakajima, and his girlfriend, Y/n L/n.

Atsushi laid on his back holding his sleeping girlfriend, her wearing one of his shirts and athletic shorts, to his chest, he laid admiring her sleeping form. They just relaxed and enjoyed the moment of calm. Unbeknownst to him and his girlfriend two of the younger agents decided to pay Atsushi a weekend visit. 

Kunikida and Dazai weren't aware of the existence of Y/n L/n, and they most definitely aware of her connection with their boss. The boys, or as Junchirou calls them Atushis adopted sons, stood in front of Atsushi's door. 

Dazai's POV

Me and Kunikida were waiting in front of Atsushi's door for him to answer but he was taking so long. 

"Why don't we just go in I'm sure Atsushi wouldn't mind," I said.

"We can't do that Atsushi was kind enough to invite us over. Barging in would be rude and besides the doors locked." he retaliated.

"Not for long," I said as I pulled out a silver house key from my jacket pocket.

"Where did you get that?" Kunikida questioned as I unlocked the door.

"I took Atsushi's and made a copy" I answered.

"YOU WHAT!" Kunikida yelled

"Shhh be quiet don't you know yelling strains your vocal cords and can accelerate aging"


"No I'm just messing with you"


"oh look it's Atsushi's room he why don't we check if he's inside"

Narrator POV

The boys opened the wooden door to see Atsushi laying on his bed stroking a h/c haired girl's face. Atsushi turned his attention from her to the boys hiding behind the door. Surprised and embarrassed for being caught in such an intimate moment with his long-time girlfriend. He shuffled his girlfriend off of him but she grabbed his arm before he left.

Still, in a dazed state not aware of the young boys' presence, she asked "Ats where are you going?"

"Just going to talk to some people love all be right back"

"Ok, Ats," The girl said snuggling back into the blankets.

The older man led the boys into the kitchen area of the apartment. He sat the boys at the kitchen table and got each of them a glass of water.

"So why are you two here?" Atsushi asked

"Dazai said he got a text you invited us for lunch" Kunikida said

"Lunch? Dazai I said on Monday at the Agency" Atsushi explained.

"Oh... well now that settled whos that lady Atsushi? Why's she in your bed?" Dazai started messing with the silver-haired man.

"I-I well um she's girlfriend and I- she's sleeping" He responded flustered. Which only added fuel to Dazais fire.

"Sleeping? Did you guys 'sleep' together?" Dazai implied further embarrassing Atsushi.

"Yes- no, not the one you're suggesting, we just napped... so um you know. Well, you guys talked about what you came here for so see you Monday ok bye." Atsushi rushed the boys out of his apartment and closed the door.

Atsushi's POV

I closed the door to get away from Dazai's invasive questions. I walked down the hall and entered my bedroom and walked back to my bed with my angel on my side of the bed. She laid on her back with her arms reaching out for me. I snuggled into her arms and rested my head on her chest as she wrapped her legs around my waist. 

"Who was that Ats," She asked me.

"Just some of the kids from work. They were the homeless ability users I told you about" I explained.

"Oh, Dazai and Kunikida right?" she guessed.

"Yeah they can be quite the handful, they can be crazy sometimes. Especially Dazai he really worries me sometimes," I said.

"He's the suicide one right," she asked.

"Yep luckily Kunikida keeps him in line when he can unfortunately they squabble quite a bit. Enough about work lets go back to bed."

The end~

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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