stupid neighbor

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"Stupid neighbor and her stupid pretty dark eyes, stupid shiny hair, stupid stupid cute smile-" Jennie's distraught muttering was interrupted by the arrival of said neighbor.

"Are you okay miss?" great, she had a stupid nice voice too. Jennie craned her neck to look at her stupidly attractive neighbor.

"Not really, I think I hurt myself." The brunette's butt just made friends with the warm gravel of the pavement, all because she got distracted by the violin-playing neighbor. She forgot to charge her phone the night before, so she had to jog at the ass crack of dawn with no music to wake her up, which meant that for the first time ever, she heard what her neighbor was playing on her violin.

"Yeah, but it doesn't look too bad. Does it hurt?" they turned their attention to Jennie's injured ankle, she crouched next to her and examined it with furrowed brows. She looked genuinely worried for a bystander. Jennie melted. So cute.

"Miss?" Jennie's reverie was cut short by the source of all her current pain. She opened her mouth to speak, but one look at the stranger's eyes derailed all trains of thought from the cat eyed girl's half awake brain.

"Huh?" she seemed amused at her speechlessness. Jennie had to physically shake her head to break her spell over her. She cleared her throat.

"I'm fine." She closed her eyes, "Can you please help me stand though?" Her face warmed up at the prospect of asking for help, but she didn't want to make the dull pain worse, after all she still had a race to train for.

She smiled, "Of course." She felt her put one arm around her waist and another under her knees, then she stood up with her in his arms. Jennie's cat eyes snapped open and with a gasp, her arms wound around her shoulders in a fit of panic. Her already warm face felt like boiling over.

Jennie opened her mouth to start stammering but the raven haired beat her to it.

"May I carry you to the nearest clinic? We don't wanna worsen your injury right? Especially not with the interschool competition only two weeks away." Even her grin is stupidly charming, it brought out the beauty of her heart shaped lips. Jennie could only stare, slack jawed.

The sun was officially out and fully awake and so was the brunette, If her rapidly beating heart was anything to go by.

"How-?" She squeaked. "I don't even know your name." she whispered in disbelief. Was she a creepy stalker?

"We're in the same math class with Mr. Park, plus you're the school's track star." she said. Her stupidly cute smile still in place. "I understand that you probably don't know who I am," her skin was flushed too, and she can't blame her. The sun's out for blood today. "I usually just hang quietly at the back of the class so I rarely get noticed. Anyway, you can call me Jisoo.

Here we are." she announced. Jennie turned to look and saw the small neighborhood clinic that looked like it just opened for the day. She hadn't even noticed when Jisoo had started walking.

They entered the building and was greeted by the sight of Dr. Kang and Ms. Bae, the school's gym teacher, kissing goodbye. They jumped apart at the sound of the doors opening.

"Good morning Jisoo." Dr. Kang smoothed her hair down and tried to look nonchalant, but Ms. Bae didn't bother. They both took notice of Jennie in Jisoo's arms at the same time.

"Jennie, what happened?" Ms. Bae asked, she approached them and started inspecting Jennie's ankle and mentally assessing the damage and the time it would take for her to recover and if she'd make it to the interschool competition. Dr. Kang rolled her eyes fondly and pushed Ms. Bae away.

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