8 June 2021

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Its been two weeks since we moved house .Dad is building the boy's cupboard while there on their phones all day long.Salmah ,my big sis the annoyingest sibling that can ever exist,is the same .Well if I am gonna be honest she helps mum a bit.

The reason there like that is because they all have PHONES and I'm the only one without one . (Sad life for me lol)To add to that my brothers have a play station and my sister has this GIGANTIC tablet and a laptop.All I have is  one of those mini-tablets .

Well thats enough info about my fsmily for now .Carrying on ,school today was soooo booring me and best friend where litterally playong Nots and Crosses under the table.My teacher think a science quiz is so 'Fuuuuuuun'.Well you can stop speaking trash miss because it ain't .When what felt like an eternity of quiz questions,  moring breake came.(Am still in my last year  in  primary school so we still have that trash 15 minute break)

Lets skip al, the wau to lunch because thats when the real fun happens .Like always I take like 30 minutes to finish my lunch and then I go outside to have some fun init.Then an unexpected thought came to my mind .Why don't I play another sport instead of football...maybeeee voleyball.And i was so supriiised at ,yself to come up with such a great idepa if i say so myself because normally I am so DUMMBBBBBB in commen sense.

So I syarted practising my striking and blocking with my friend whrn a whole bunch of boys cam from my class .They where like 'What the helll you can't be a striker your some tiny midget.'
And ofcourse being me Safia I challenged them to a match of volley ball so we started the first set me and 5 other girls verses the boy in our class.We where in the middle of the game when the whistle blew like seriosly were busy here can you not do that somewhere else.

So we had to line up to go back into class and i swear WE WILL WIN TOMORROW.

thats it for today .Thankyou for reading the first log of what happens in MY WORLD.
By The lil girl  from a pack of tall girls playing volley ball today. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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