Chapter 1

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The city looked beautiful from the blimp. Bright lights from the buildings and cars pierced the night. The movement of the sleepless metropolis was slowed by the distance and by the quiet of the air ship. Below were people living fast and loud, with yelling and booming traffic but it looked peaceful by the window. A maintenance worker, with lipstick an odd shade of purple, passed by the teen staring at the city below. Sitting on the table that was connected to the large window, his face held a calming subtle smile.

"Sir, you can go to a room and sleep if you'd like. We still have almost an hour before we land." She said as she stopped walking to face him. He turned from the window to her.

"No, I'm ok!" He said cheerfully with a surprising level of charisma for the late hour. The women smiled politely.

"Very well, have a good rest of the flight." She hummed before she began walking again. The click of her heels remained the only sound from the empty blimp. He turned back to the window and looked up to the black sky above. The stars didn't shine as bright here then how they did back home. The empty atmosphere above brought his drifting mind to the world, how big it was. How he hasn't seen even half of it yet. He's already been to every crevice of the main world map at 19, but what's beyond that reminds of a dangerous and enticing mystery that sent excitement throughout his body just by thinking about it. With a bolt he stood up on top of the desk, fists at his sides with determination. He looked back at Yorknew, knowing his journey only furthered with this city. The rest of the flight went quickly. As the night faded to dawn with the ship landing he ended up leaving the port by day. Already Yorknew moved faster than any other city, which was lucky for someone who likes to live fast like him. If you dont think on your feet, the city will just walk over you without batting an eye. Adjusting to the rapid movement of the people walking on the street swiftly, he bounced his way down the pavement. He let himself enjoy the sights and smells of the city, going into restaurants and shops and parks. Going back to such a populated place was refreshing. He had spent most of the last five years alone, most often in unpopulated locations fighting bad guys and finding treasures. He loved adventure, even if it was lonely sometimes. Not that he let it get him down. Dedicating the day to exploring the city he found his way to a small coffee shop that had a cartoon whale on the sign over the door. Some nostalgia hit him as he decided to walk in. The shop only had a few customers inside but it was hardly quiet. Big open windows let in the street sounds and the noises of the coffee grinder was almost nonstop. People mainly left when they got their coffees because they had places to be and the shop was only big enough to seat seven or so customers at once. The whale theme carried heavily on the interior decor. Wallpaper with light blue whale silhouettes, multiple framed photos and figurines of whales decorated shelves and counters. It was an obnoxious level of whales for one small shop. Chuckling that aside, he took a large coffee filled breath as he quickly looked over the customers to spot an open seat if possible. But as he looked over the small crowd he spotted a fluffy platinum blonde sitting alone at a table for two with maps and a notebook in front of him with a half empty cup of tea. His blue eyes dotted over the papers in front of him focused, kicking his left foot that rested on his right leg.

"Kil... Killua!" He yelled, a large grin spread ear to ear. The blonde looked up from his work at his name to see his best friend standing only a foot or two away.

"Gon!" He replied as he stood at the table, sharing a smile. Gon hopped to his long lost friend, a lump formed in his throat as his eyes began to water.

"Oh Killua! We haven't met since- I haven't seen you in- It's been like five years!" He bawled.

"Yeah, long time no see!" Killua chuckled as he realized Gon's crying wasn't stopping. "Ok, ok dude you can stop crying! Come on, sit down. We can catch up." He ushered Gon to the other chair as he noticed some looks coming from the more touristy customers.

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