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N/A I wrote this in 2 days and its short so expect errors because I don't feel like proof reading.

The storm raged on outside as the ball was in full swing. Some of the kingdom's wealthiest aristocrats, politicians and celebrities were in attendance. Rumors had it that the king could be making an appearance and my nerves were heightened.  

    “Hello dear,” a hand landed on the back of your right shoulder which caused me to jump and fear. I turned and saw the worried face of my fiance, Prince Ben.  “I didn’t mean to startle you my love, are you enjoying the ball?” He said as he walked in front of me to face me.

    “It's okay dear, the storm and your father have me jumpy this evening,” I said, giving my fiance a small kiss to reassure him. His smile faltered ever so slightly but fanished just as soon as it appeared. His hand fell down my right arm and rested in my palm. His touch was warm and comforting and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. 
    “My father actually likes you my love, why are you still so nervous every time you see him?” Ben offers his ever-so-loving smile.

    “I know but he is still king, my love. I will always be nervous to see your father.” I shifted my weight as I pulled him into a  close embrace. “I’m not high class like the people here, I’m just the poor commoner saved by the compassionate prince.” I sighed as I looked down in slight shame. Ben meant by motion and rested his forehead on mine.

    “I love you my dear, I did not choose you because you were poor and I certainly did not save you.” In that moment you felt safe and calm. The ball disappeared and it was just Ben and I in the center of the ballroom. Ben rested his hands on my waist as he pulled me closer. The music slowly soon engulfed us as Ben took a step back. 
“May I have this dance?” Ben smiled as he offered his right hand to me. I truly loved this man and I gracefully accepted his hand. Ben was quick and graceful on his feet as he guided me around the dance floor. Everyone watched as Ben led me around, holding me close with a hand firmly on my hip. Everything was perfect, I forgot all my problems and lived in the moment as if it would be the last time I’d get to hold my fiance.

The moment was ruined when a crash of thunder and the sound of breaking glass cut through the music. I snapped my neck in horror as I saw the priceless vase filled with wine shattered on the floor and a mortified servant soaked in the aged wine. Ben rushed over to help calm the situation but rustling outside the ballroom left a chill in the room. I quickly ment with Ben to help clean the mess while the server begged for forgiveness.

"It is quite alright dear, things can be replaced. Have you been cut by any of the glass shards?" I offered a warm smile in hopes to calm the servant. He shook his head no as he kneeled down to start soaking up the wine. Ben stood up and redirected everyone's attention away and the party resumed. 

We almost got the mess cleaned up when we heard yelling echo from the halls. The servant and I visabled tensed as the yelling grew closer. I started to work faster but it was too late. The doors to the ballroom threw open and smashed against the wall with the sound of thunder. Entered the king, fuming with rage as he scanned the room and locked on to us.

“That wine cost more than you will make in your entire life,” he boomed, causing the servant to flinch and retreat in fear.

“Father it is okay, the storm caused him to drop it. It can be replaced.” Ben said, trying to calm down his father. 

“It is a matter of principle, Ben. He damaged my property and must pay, it is only fair.” The king was studfast but I had to say something. I couldn’t just bite my tongue.

“Sir, with all do respect you have plenty of assets to-”

“I know you aren't speaking to me, just because you are my son's fiance doesn’t mean you have any authority in the business of royalty. Remember your place,” He snapped at me. 

“Father!” Ben yelled confronting his father. “I will not let you talk to my fiance like that.” The king was dismissive, ignoring his son’s voice as his eyes were still locked on the servant and I.

“I will deal with you later, Ben. Take your toy and wait in the sitting room.” The king said, referring to me. I could feel the rage bubbling inside me and remembered the cool steel against my skin. Ben was quick to pull me out of the situation and into the sitting room. He sat me down and kneeled in front of me.

“You know I don’t think that. You are worth more to me than all the riches this life has to offer.” Ben said, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb.

“I know, I love you so much Ben.” I said, the steel feeling colder. I saw the wine on Ben’s slacks and pointed it out. “Ben, you should wash those before they stain.” Ben looks down and sees the wet spots on his knee caps and lets out a light giggle. 

“I’ll be right back okay?” He said giving me a small kiss. I nodded as he got up and walked out the sitting room. This is the moment Y/N. As predicted, the king walked in still fuming and when he saw me alone he got even angrier.

“Where the hell is my son?” he demanded to know.

“He went to change his slacks as they were wet with wine.” I replied with my arms crossed. He smirked at that answer.

“Excellent, I have a few words I want to tell you.” He said turning around and facing the window. I stared at his reflection as rain blurred the glass.

“We saved you from poverty and welcomed you into our family, but I am king and you are still a commoner. You need to be disciplined and if it wasn’t for Ben I would have had you executed for the amount of times you have disrespected me in front of my court.” I clenched my hand into a fist as I prepared for my moment as he continued. “I know you people aren’t educated, born in the muck of the country but if you expect to survive in Ben’s world then you will need to learn your place.” My rage was overwhelming and when I saw the Flash of lightning I knew this would be my only chance. 

It happened so fast, the lighting briefly lit the room, the swiftness of my feet, the cold steel, all under the cover of the rolling thunder. The note has been ready for months and was already staining from blood as you ran.

I begin to flee the sitting room. My once beautiful ornate outfit is now stained red with the king’s blood. I heard shouting as I burst into the rose garden. The rain falls harder as the shouts grow louder. I  made my way to the edge of the garden, the  stone fence keeping me from the edge. Just as I began to climb the barrier I felt a cold hand grip my wrist. I turned to face him, Ben. My prince, lover, fiance.

“What did you do?” he says breathlessly just above a whisper. Even with the rain clouding his face I could see tears pool in his eyes.

“I-I head to, for the good-” I tried to reply.
“Don’t,” he cuts you off as the guard's armor grows louder. His grip on my wrist tightened as he stared into my eyes and saw my fear and pain. He lets go of my wrist and cups my face. “Just go, never come back. I do this as my final act of love for you. If I see you again I will kill you.” Tears pour down my face as he lets me go.

“I will always love you, Ben” I said as I climbed the fence and crossed the roof into the darkness of night as the midnight bell rings. Marking the end to King Beast’s day.

N/A I wrote this in a fever as I was struck with inspiration based on a tiktok I saw that made me laugh and was like. Fuck it this will be a funny meme. Sorry if you wanted somthing more XD.

The Ball at Midnight (Descedants) Ben×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now