Untitled Part 1

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its been 10 days since  you have seen your friend eridan and you were starting to worry about him . he would messages you on pesterchum to tell you if he is okay or not  but he hadn't messages at all .  you couldn't take it any more just waiting for him to message you . you got dressed in a cute purple sundress and ran down the stairs and in to the bath room and brushed your hair and put it in to a high ponytail you ran out of the bath room and in to the living room and slide your purple convers on and  ran out the door lucky for you  live so  close to the beach it only take like two seconds to rech his house . you knock on the door but no one answer the door so you walked in and called to eridan and there was no respons  . you walked past eridan's room  but you stoped when you heard eridans voice  you walked in to his room and saw he was cutting him self   . you ran over to him and toke the knife  form his  hand and throw it away and ran to his bath room and grabed the first aid kit and started to cry but you cleaned his cuts and bandage . you keep crying you looked up at him in tears and hugged him . you pulled away and  looked eridan right in the eyes .
you : why would you do this to your self eridan 
eridan : I can't take it any more (y/n)  it hurts to mush for me to bare
you : but this is not the way to go eridan and please think of the people around you I need you your family need you
eridan : you don't understand  you have never been throw what I went throw
you: that is not true I know how you feel I did the same thing  you were doing *you pull off your hoodie and trunded your arms to show the scares*
eridan looked that your rist  in shock he never thought you cut but now he knows
eridan : I didn't know (y/n ) were hurting this bad I would have been there for you
you : it's okay eridan I don't cut any more because I have some one to live for that gives me the hope to live
eridan : who is it
you: its you eridan your the prince of hope
eridan: me why me im just a bad preson that killed all the people that I cared for
you : that's not true eridan never ever put your self down you are sweet ,kind and a good friend
eridan started to cry then hugged you tight like he never wanted you to leave him alone again . you hugged him back peting this hair but being carful not to touch his horns. 

time skip to 6 mouths

you were walkin g to eridans house to see how he is doing . you knocked on his door you were greated by a happy eridan  and a hug . you walked in to eridans house sat on the couch for haft the day you and eridan had just wacthed moives and eat popcorn . you you got bored of watching moives you then started you stare at eridans fins witch made you  started to get curius on what his fins did . eridan looked at you  with a confusode look .

eridan: (y/n) what the mater why are you staring at me

you: oh nothing im just curius about your fins thats all

eridan : my fins

you : yeah i just curius on what they do thats all

eridan: you can touch them if your so curius about them

you: are you sure about this eridan

you scuted closer to eridan and grabed his fins he started to sqeeck like a girl and trund a dark purple .

eridan : wwait wwait i changmy mind please don't touch them

eridan: ehhhh....... ahhhhhhhh

eridan: (y/n) please ......! let go of my fins already nghhhhhhh......................

you: nope !

you: this is too much fun

you: you were the one who told me to touch them

eridan: but.......!

you: your fins are really sensitive , huh?

eridan: nghhh.............

You: fine i'll let your fins go

you let go of his fins and you sat ther and saw how purple his face was . you saw that eridan had alook on his face that means that you are in big truble with him . he started to crale over to you and get closer and closer to you . you started to crale away but it was too late eridan pinded you to the couch and started to bit you all over the place witch made you laughing like a mad woman. eridan bit your sholder right on your sweet spote  witch made you moan. eridan stoped biting you to hear the mean that left your lips he thengave you a evil smail and bit there again and you meaned again  witch turnd eridan on realy badly and that was bad for you because you were pinde to the couch by him . you smiled and kissed eridan he looked shoked  you then pushed him off . you then round on to him and pinde him to the floor . you did the same to eridan that he did to you . you bit one spot no one should bit or touch  his horn . you herad him mean and sqeek again it made you so happy to hear him mean .

eridan: okay (y/n) you had go your reveng now please stop

you: oh no im not done yet eridan  i have one more thing that i want to do then i'll be done

eridan : all right fine  get it over with then

you kissed eridan with alot of love and sexly tenshioneridan was shoked at first but then started to kissed you back  you and eridan pulled away for air ( god danm it air why do you have to interruped  a beuatiful kiss like that  >:?)

you: eridan im flushed for you

eridan :  wait your flushed for me

you: yes  i understand if you don't feel the same way

eridan kissed youwith such compashion  you were shoked you didn't know eridan liked you .

eridan : im flushed for you too

you huged eridan and kissed him somore . eriadn pick you up and cared you to his room (you know what 's going to happen nexted .............sex XD  im sorry i had to say that )

the end

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