Chapter 1

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It's finally time for lunch. You had a long day of magical classes at Hogwarts and couldn't wait to relax and spend some time with your friends. 7th year really is harder than ever! You walk up to your regular spot at the Gryffindor table next to your boyfriend, Fred Weasley. "Hey (y/n)! I thought you'd never make it." he says before giving you an excited kiss. His lunch is untouched as he was obviously waiting for you to show up.

"I got held after class in potions again" You reply with an eye roll. You take your seat next to Fred and he puts his arm around you.

His mischievous counterpart George peeks his head around Freds to exclaim "We should turn Snape's hair purple again! What's he got against you anyways?"

You laugh imagining the somber professor with a bright purple bob. "It might be that last time you had that bright idea we all got detention for a month," You tease, "leave my teachers alone before we all get kicked out!" You can't contain your laughter thinking of all the hijinks the three of you pulled over your years at Hogwarts.

Once you have nearly finished your food, you lean forward to see around Fred. "Ready for herbology, George?"

"I suppose. But I think I left my book in the common room." He replies before taking a large bite out of his sandwich.

"When do you not forget your books?" You say, smiling. Fred chuckles at your sarcasm and soon lunch comes to an end.

"Parting is such sweet sorrow." Fred begins to say, feigning anguish.

You grab his arms playfully. "I'll see you after class, Shakespeare." You give each other a quick kiss and part ways to go to your next classes.

After the trek through the stone corridors of Hogwarts, you and George walk into herbology class already laughing. Professor Sprout gives you both a serious look and you take your seats giggling quietly. After Sprout describes the assignment, you're left to sow your moly plants in the sun-filled greenhouse.

As you're carefully placing soil into the pot in front of you, George catches your attention. "Hey, (y/n) you've got some dirt on you." He says while pointing a dirty finger towards your chest.

"What? Where-" You start but as soon as you look down to check he flicks his hand up and whacks your nose. "Hey! You got dirt all over my face!" You say trying to sound angry at him but failing. He laughs like this is the funniest prank he's ever pulled, but gasps as you throw a small handful of soil at him.

"Hey, no fair!" He shouts while attempting to use his robes as a shield.

"You started it." You say smiling smugly. He looks at you mischievously, then suddenly his expression changes to guilty as he glances behind you.

You turn to see Professor Sprout standing with her arms crossed in front of her, assessing your face and George's dirt-covered robes. "Both of you can stay after class and help clean this mess up. Now do I need to separate you two?" She says sternly.

"No Professor, we'll behave" George chimes in giving his most innocent smile. You stifle a laugh at his attempt, but it seems to work as Sprout walks away with nothing more than a suspicious glare. George whispers in your ear, "You're welcome."

"For what?" You ask while trying to wipe the dirt off your face.

He smiles. "For getting us out of trouble, of course."

You scoff, "Hardly. We still have to sweep up dirt after class." He just hums in response and returns to his assignment.

After class ends and the greenhouse is made spotless, you enter the common room with George by your side and immediately notice Fred looking pensive on the large red couch.

Fred's POV

The door to the common room opens again. I look up and finally see who I've been waiting for, my girlfriend and twin brother. I can't help but notice (y/n) has dirt on her face and hands and George has the same. "Hey guys. Where have you been? It's been nearly an hour since class got out." I try to sound as casual as possible but my suspicion is clear on my face.

"Has it been that long?" (y/n) looks at George and back at me. "We had to stay late in herbology because someone thought it would be fun to get dirt on my face..." George rolls his eyes, but quickly switches to a smile when (y/n) turns and catches him.

"Don't worry Freddy, she got me back!" He says, showing me his dirt-covered robes.

"Well done!" I go to give (y/n) a high five before remembering her hands are covered in dirt. I quickly wipe my hand off on George's robes.

"Oi, fuck off!" He laughs, trying to dodge my attack. "I'm going to take a shower and get changed." He states before disappearing to our dorm.

"I'm gonna do the same." (y/n) smiles at me brightly and all my worries disappear for a moment.

I muster up the courage to ask the dreaded question: "Hey, (y/n), can we chat once you're done with that?"

"Of course! I'll be back in a minute." She chimes as she too disappears to her dorm.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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