Chapter one

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Up-and-down hills and fields scooted out of the window, but all Valdmar could see when he opened his eyes was a green blur. He wiped the sleep out of his eyes and sat up straight. He had a mark on his cheek from where he'd been resting his face on the cold window glass as he was sleeping, and his blond hair was wilder than a bird nest. He covered his mouth with his hand as he yawned, then looked up at the person standig in the aisle of the train, who had somehow woken him up. It was a girl close to his age, her blond hair was styled in two old-fashion plaits and big nerdy glasses. She was wearing a large green plaid shirt uderneath some ripped dungarees.

She shily smiled and said: -Hi, I'm Leah. I'm going to Waterlily House and, uhm, I suppose you are too?- she looked at the brochure of the place Valdmar had left on the little table between the seats. -Oh, yeah, I am- he said, his voice still gruff from sleep. As the girl was still standnig there, clearly waiting for him to say something, he composed himself and said -Do you wan to sit down?- The girl awkwardly sat in the seat in front of him.

-I'm sorry I woke you up, I just thought I'd introduce myself since we're going to the same place-

-Oh, that's okay, don't worry. I'm Valdmar- He smiled at her and tried to appear friendly. Incouraged by his kindness, the girl asked -So why are you going to the Waterlily House?-

That was a good question. "Why am I going there?" He'd already been the year before. It was a sort of teenage holiday resort, but it was in a tiny old-fashion village with little wooden houses in the middle of nowhere, surrownded by woods and nature. There was just something about that place that made him somehow feel good. They assigned you a room and there were some activities such as walks in the forest, learnig to start a fire, use a map, sleep in tents and stuff like that, but they were optional and Valdmar would rarely follow them. He mostly went for walks on his own. He did like the acoustic music they played in the evening though. -I just like the nature I guess, and at night we play music.-

-Oh, you've been before? I just planned it last minute. I fell out with my best friend, so my holiday plans wit her were cancelled, and I sure wasn't going bird watching with my parents, so I decided to come here. I also really like the nature, and it seemed so picturesque on the website! I hope it'lle be warm enough to go swimming...- The girl was already rambling, and Valdmar's mind almost drifted, also because he was still half asleep. He tried to look interested though, thinking it wouldn't be too bad to have a friend around for a change. The two kept chatting as the train approached the destination. When they were about to stop at the station, the girl stood up and started gathering her things. Valdmar put on his green wind jacket and his backpack and grabbed his guitar case. -Oh, you play guitar! That's so cool- He muttered an awkward "I'm not that good".

As soon as they trod down on the platform, the chilly evening air made their skin cover in goosebumps. Leah adjusted her gray scrarf around her neck and looked up at him and asked -So, you know where the place is?- Valdmar nodded and started walkig with Leah by his side. They started talking about music and they found out they were both big fans of the same band. Surprisingly, talking to this girl was easy, and there were no awkward silences, which was a first for Valdmar. At first she appeared timid, but she soon started talking vicaciously. They then moved on talking about their favourites-movies, books, tv series, until they reached the house.

It was a circular wooden building with a garden in the middle. There was also a little lake with waterlilies, from which the place got its name. There were candles burning in the windows, which created a nice vibe. They entered the building and got into the lounge, where other kids were already crashed onto the sofas around a crackling fire.

-Valdmar!- He turned around at the familiar voice that belonged to Madline, the owner of the house. She was around the kids all the time, and she was a sparkling firework of energy. -So good to see you again.- She then turned at Leah.-Hi, you must be Leah. I'm Madline! Come on upstairs, I'll show you your rooms.-

They followed her along a narrow and squeeky staircase to the first floor. Pots with plants and flowers were everywhere in the windowsills. Madeline walked to their rooms and gave them the keys. -Leah you've got room 27 and Valdmar, you've got room 28. By the way, i'm looking forward to hear you playing tonight, and so are the others from last year- Valdmar almost blushed as Leah smiled at him and said -Well, me too!-
-Sure, don't have too high expectations though. I'm just gonna go leave my stuff in my room.- He opened the door while Madline said -Dinner is in 10!- She then started chatting with Leah.

Valdmar threw his bacpack on the bed and set down his guitar case carefully next to it. He gave a quick look out of the small window, from which he could see the garden and the mountains in the background. He then threw on a cozy hoodie of his favourite band to keep himself warm and went back out in the hallway. To his surprise, Leah was already waiting for him outside her room. -Shall we go downstairs then?-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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