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Author's Pov


"So we are still not done yet.. Heaven"

Heaven heard him uttering those words which made her eyes to widened and her breathing to hitched in fear watching the dark smirk on his face.

"No.. I.. " She tried to speak but got halted and a gasp escaped from her mouth when he again tossed her body so this time she was above him.

Heaven stared at him bewildered which made his smirk to broaden. She frowned watching his smirk and asked sitting on his naked waist placing her palms over his  chest tried to maintain her posture.

"What are you doing..? " She asked getting confused watching the new position of their bodies..

He didn't reply but just looked at her cute confused eyes and annoyed pout with his infamous cocky grin making her to glared at him.

She scoffed at him still confused and tried to get up from him but he grabbed her waist and again made her to sit on his waist and her body shrugged when she felt his hardness to rubbed against her core..

She clutched his arms and looked at him terrified because now she got what he was about to do which made her afraid yet excited..

She gulped hard and felt herself getting more wet when his erection again brushed against her entrance which started to throb for him.. Her cheeks turned pink as her breathing turned abnormal when his tip slightly grazed inside her making her to softly hissed.

She closed her eyes in fear and excitement both and held him more tightly until she felt his upper to leaned closer to her as he  sensually whispered in her ear.

"Remember when I said I wanted to bury myself so deep inside you that it'll leave you feeling Hallow when I won't be inside you... "

She slowly opened her eyes where as she felt like every inch of her skin ached for him and his touch hearing his words..

He brushed his lips over her ear and breathed out.

"So let me fulfilled my words...and buried myself deeper as possible inside you Heaven.. "
And than flicked his tongue over her earlobe making her shivered in his arms

She slightly tilted her head only to found him to already staring at her with that beautiful emotion in his oceanic darken orbs.

They both gazed deeper into each other's eyes as their breathing mixed with each other and her chest was going up and down in perfect rhythm with his and she exactly knew what he wanted because that was what exactly she needed.

REDEEMING VENGEANCE (Kth🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now