Remember You, Remember Me

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"Sometimes life seems too quiet, into paralyzing silence.
Like the moonless dark, meant to make
me strong.
Familiar breath of my old lies, changed the color in my eyes.
Soon he will perforate the fabric of the peaceful by and by.
Sorrow lasts through this night. I'll take this piece of you and hold for all eternity.
For just one second I felt whole... as you flew right through me.
Left alone with only reflections of the memory, to face the ugly girl that's smothering me."– Song: Sorrow / Artist: Flyleaf


Samantha sat up on the side of her bed and shut the alarm on her cellphone off.
Morning had come far too soon, it felt like she'd only just fallen asleep.

Groggily, she she stumbled across the room to gather her school clothes for the day and disappeared into the small bathroom attached to her bedroom.

Thirty minutes later she emerged, wearing a pair of jeans and a black hoodie her long dark, golden blonde hair was still damp from the early morning shower,

She rarely ever bothered with make-up.
She was far too tired in the mornings and between running around at school all day and then being on her feet for hours after that for her job, she'd probably end up smearing and sweating it off anyway.

Making her morning rounds in the upstairs of her family's house, she popped into her mom's room first.

"Mom?" Samantha called out as she opened the bedroom door.

When her mom, Amanda, didn't respond Sam walked farther into the room and shut the loud, buzzing alarm clock off.

"Mom, wake up!" She called loudly as she shook her.

Finally her mom sat up with a loud gasp.

"You slept through your alarm again." Sam frowned as she looked at the bottles of anxiety and sleeping medication on her mom's bed side table.

"Damn it." Amanda muttered in a hoarse voice. She rubbed her eyes and tried to wake up more.

As she turned to leave the room her mom called after her, "Thanks Sam."

Choosing to give her brother a couple extra minutes of shut eye before dragging him out of bed, she stopped back at her own room.

When she opened her closet, she dropped her head back in frustration.
She'd been too tired when she got home from work the night before to wash any laundry.

Leaning down she dug through her dirty cloths hamper and found a pair of her black work pants and the red polo shirt with the logo of the restaurant she worked at.

Frowning at the small grease stain on the front of it, she spritzed the outfit with perfume and tucked it into her book bag before heading into her little brother's room.

"Jake." She shook her younger sleeping brother.

He stopped snoring but didn't open his eyes.

"Jacob! Come on, we're running late." She said louder as she ripped the blankets off of him and opened the blinds.

He let out a loud groan and sat up narrowing his eyes at her.

"Aw, come on Sam... ten more minutes." He pleaded with a rather dramatic yawn.

"Sorry little bro." She apologized, leaving his room.

She wished she could let him sleep a little longer but she needed to get breakfast started and wouldn't have time to go wake him up again.

Plus, he'd been taking an extra long time to pick out his clothes for the schooldays lately. She suspected he might have a crush on a classmate, but if he did he wasn't talking about it.

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