Chapter 1

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Every day I walk down the forsaken corridor, also know as the sophomore hallway. I get stared at. But, that doesn't bother me. It bothers me when I turn the corner and get slammed into the wall. That's whats happening to me right now. My eyes glaze over as I was in thought.

"Did you hear what I said?" the figure growls. I look up and see the usually scowling face of Peter Edwins. "Great!" I mumble. "What did you say freak?" he yelled pushing his face closer to mine whilst digging his grimy finger nails into my bony shoulder blades. "Oh nothing just complimenting your shitty personality." I beam. He looked at me incredulously. When his pea of a brain finally understood the meaning of my words, his stout fingers curled into a menacing fist.

He grabbed a fistful of my wrinkled, black shirt and lifted me off the ground. My heart was pounding in my chest like the beat of a drum. He pulled his fist back and you could feel the tension of the by standers as they await the flow of blood. I could see the malice in his eyes as he lost control and hit me square in the face. I laugh as blood gushes fourth from my nose and mouth. Peter looks at me quizzically. He loosened his grip ever so slightly which gave me the chance to pounce. I lunged forward and pushed off the wall to gain momentum.

Some girl ran to get a teacher but, it was to late. I had tackled him onto the ground and got a punch in before it got out of hand. He pushed me off and kicked me hard in the stomach and then again in the ribs. I lay on the floor cringing with pain. Peter stood above me and grinned.

"Nice try faggot." He sneered. As he was walking away the principle ran into the hallway. He saw my bloodered body on the floor and Peter's bloody hand. He rushed to my side."Peter! " he yelled beckoning him to my side. The principle touched my hand and I groaned in pain. Peter looked at me with no feeling at all like, I wasn't even a person. The principle turned to the nearest student "Jamie, will you go get the nurse? Oh, and tell her to bring the wheelchair!" Jamie jogs quickly down the hallway. The principle turns in my direction. "Grant? Are you okay?" He asks kneeling to stoop into my hearing range. I try to open my mouth and say 'Not not really' but, I can't open my mouth! My labored breathing increases. I use what ever strength I have left and to pull my hand upward to my jawline.

I feel a bump where my jaw connects to the roof of my mouth. I roll my eyes. Dislocated jaw. Perfect. I look into the worried eyes of my principle and shake my head. He sighs and turns to Peter.

"Why Peter?" He scolds. Peter looks him straight in the eyes. "Sir, he came at me. I was just protecting myself. " Peter claims lying through his teeth. The principle turns to me. "Grant? Is this true?" I look at him in shock. He really thinks that I would start a fight with the biggest kid in school. I softly shake my head and let out a breathy laugh. I close my eyes and shake my head again waiting for the nurse to come down the hallway. Peter snorts and walks away as the nurse rolls forward. "Oh honey!" She gushes. She crouches to the ground running her hand over my wounds.

She heaved me into the rickety wheel chair. My head was pounding. The nurse propped my feet onto the foot resters, even though I didn't need it. Sure, my ribs hurt. Yup, my face will be swollen for a week. But, what hurts me the most was, my pride. I sat in the wheel chair mentally beating my self up. I fought back. That's what got me into this situation.

I probably looked like a complete fool, rolling down the hallway, nurse founding over me. The nurse stops to talk to a teacher and I slowly begin to stand. The nurse pays no attention to me as I begin my uphill battle for social freedom. I fight through the pain coursing through my veins. I finally rise and take two tentative steps down the rest of the hallway. The teacher glances in my direction but, makes no move to stop me. The teacher bid the nurse farewell and the nurse turned her attention to me. She saw me standing and a look of concern crossed her face. "You need to sit down. " I looked at her and the only thing running through my head was defiance. "I'm fine. " I say quickly through clenched teeth. She looked at me realizes that I'm not going to sit down. She shakes her head and motions for me to follow her. I walk slowly keeping my head down. I enter the nurses office and eyed the sick bed. Three other people were waiting for the nurses attention so I took my seat. Eventually I zoned out after about 10 minutes. After another 30 minutes the nurse and told my mom to take me to the emergency room.

She walks with me to the car. "OK Grant, what happened? " she interrogated. I turn my head in her direction. "They didn't tell you? " I ask softly. "No I asked them not to. I wanted to hear the story straight from the mouth of the victim." She replies. I stare at her confused.

"Victim?" "Grant I know you. You wouldn't fight anyone." She states confidently. What a bitch. She doesn't know me shes to high to even feed me. I look away. "I usually get pinned by Peter. Today I decided to fight back." She looks at me anger clear in her eyes. She shakes her heard in anger. A little voice in the back of head screams, 'Danger! Danger' but I ignore it. We stopped at a stop light but it takes me to long to realize I need to open the door. She pulled out her phone and called the police. "Police? Yes I would like to turn in my son for possession." I snap my head in her direction.

"What?" I yell. "They'll hold you for two years. I told you not to disobey me!" She grins. "I have to get to the hospital!" I yell squinting my eyes in her direction. "Why are you even doing this?" I ask frantically trying to find my way out of the car. She locked the car doors. Anger boiled behind her glowing pupils. "You need to learn your place. You fought. Worthless pieces of trash don't fight." She laughs pinching my cheeks. I lower my head. Worthless? Faggot? Trash? That's all I seem to hear anymore. "I'm sorry if you don't like it but its for your own good." She said emphasizing the word good.

Those words echoed in my head as she drew her hand back. I moved to slowly. Her hand flashed forward. I held my face, my haw was screaming in pain. She kept hitting me. Over and over. I look at her. Her hair was wild, her nostrils were flared, her eyes were glowing with anger and she was beating her wounded and bloody child. Blow after blow eventually, I became numb. Numb to pain, emotion and practically any feeling at all. Just another day in paradise I think sadly.

Once or twice I think I hear her say, "for his own good." Trying to convince herself what she was doing was okay, which it wasn't.I hear distant sirens wailing like a new born baby. My "mom" stops beating me and rearranges her demeanor. She screamed calm, disappointed mother who wants to "help" the greater good. The police dragged me out of the car and slammed me on the ground. I screamed in pain. I could feel my already damaged ribs shifting in my chest. They slapped handcuffs on my wrists and searched me.

"One pencil, bag of weed and a iPhone 5." A gray haired officer called out in a gravely voice." "She stuffed some in my pocket!" I yell. One laughs and my mom has a horrified look on her face. Well of course I have drugs. I keep the rest in my moms room. I think sarcastically.

They shove me into a rusty cruiser and take me "down town". They gray hair officer, whose name is apparently Jeff, registers me into the juvenile detention unit. I get pushed into a cell with a dingy mattress and a rusty toilet. I sit on the floor head in my hands, sobbing. My vision beings to darken around the edges.

"Where is the freaking telephone?" I call out. The guard in the hallway tells me to shut the hell up. I sob harder. My vision getting worse. I need to call the school I think. They can get me out of here. "Please? " I call out again desperate. I try to get up but I cant. My head is spinning. I hold my hands to my temples my vision blurring. My body was on fire. I hold in the pain. Again and again I tell myself, don't feel, don't feel. Just let the pain consume you. A voice whispers. My vision goes completely black. My skull felt like it was slowly splitting.

I heard an unearthly wail that I presumed to be me and the darkness to over all my senses. It was actually kinda of nice. I was finally at peace. To be honest I hope I never wake up. I think softly before jumping into the dark abyss.

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OK guys thank you so much for reading. 30 reads so far!!! Yay! Hope you like my chapter it took me forever to type. I love you all so much. Remember to vote and comment. Byeeeee ~k~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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