Enzo and Kai

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Hey guys before you start reading. I won't be posting this weekend, since i'm on a small holiday trip. (So friday and sunday I won't be posting)


"Princess I never got your name" he went over to me. "I- "

"She has a boyfriend, so leave her alone." Lucy's voice appeared again.

"How long have you been trapped in this world?" Enzo asked me "I have been here for a little over four months..." I replied. 

"Well, I don't think your boyfriend would care if you started talking to others then" "Actually, he would" Lucy spoke up again. 

I couldn't really tell if I liked that Lucy spoke up for me and told Enzo about my boyfriend or that I hated it. I low-key did hate it because I can speak up for myself.

Enzo looked confused at me "Anyways I need to get back to the real world now, my job isn't done yet" he said out loud, but I think he was talking to himself. "What job?" I asked because I was curious. 

"I'm a mafia leader and I was on a mission killing a man who had a reputation of being immortal. I didn't believe it and his reputation was getting more attention than mine, so I wanted to kill him. But when I did his hands started glowing, so when you said something about a witch I got to think he also may have been a witch." Enzo focused on remembering his memory. 

I burst out laughing, I couldn't stop. "What's so funny?" he snapped at me. "I'm sorry but you sound like a douchebag whose only focus is attention" I laughed. 

He went over to me and grabbed my wrist "Don't disrespect me like that" 

I grabbed his arm with my free arm and pulled it around making him bend his knees to keep his balance. "Oh, prince charming, remember I'm stronger than you" I kept laughing. 

"I do admire a girl who's stubborn" 

"How am I stubborn?" I asked with confusion and anger in my voice. 

"You keep denying that you don't want me" he continued. I rolled my eyes at him. 

I had a feeling I was going to get along with Enzo, he was actually pretty cool. I don't want him or anything, but he seems sweet if you get to know him. 

"Let's get back to Kai" Lucy's voice appeared again. You know I forget that Lucy even exist most times. We headed back to the Salvatore's boarding house. Lucy went a few minutes earlier than us. Which made me worried because she was going to tell Kai about Enzo and I was scared of his reaction.

Kais POV

The door opened and Lucy entered without Y/n. "Where's Y/n?" I asked her with confusion. "Oh yeah, you gonna love this. Well, no, you're gonna hate it." Lucy started, it made me worry. I was scared she had hurt Y/n since they didn't get along easily. I was already furious, and she hadn't even told me what happened yet. 

"Hey, don't look at me like that. Y/n is perfectly safe, she can handle herself" Lucy spoke up again. "So, when we were dress shopping, she found this amazingly pretty black dress. It was a perfect fit for her perfect body. It was hugging her body at all the right places. We were talking about mafia. Well speaking of the devil-"she didn't get to say more before the door opened up.

 Y/n was wheezing, she entered the living room. Seeing her alive and unhurt made me smile. As she fully stepped into the living room I saw she was grabbing onto someone's shirt. "Hey Kai, meet Enzo" she said as she pulled a guy aside he was almost two times of her size. 

She let go of his shirt, only for it to bounce back revealing his 8-pack. He was muscular but not buff which I new Y/n liked. He had dark brown fluffy hair. He had tattoos on his arm, one on his neck and probably also other places. He was wearing a black suit. Them right next to each other, was a perfect match made from heaven. 

They even dressed similar. Y/n was wearing the black dress like Lucy talked about. It was a perfect fit for her body, her curves were showing. It was so sexy on her, it turned me on. If I could, I would have grabbed her by her hips and threw her on the bed. Just fucking the soul out of her, I wanted her to beg for me. Beg for her to cum, beg for me to keep going. Moaning my name-

"Hey, you must be Kai" Enzo introduced himself. He did seem like a nice guy, but I can't lie, I felt threatened. Y/n went over to me, and I wrapped my arms around her torso kissing her lips. I only did it to show Enzo that she was mine. 

She backed away. "So, what do you think of the dress" she said as she did a little spin. 

"I think it's almost as pretty as you" I smiled at her and she laughed. "But you know what would look prettier. Me taking it off you" I winked at her. It made her blush a bit. 

"So, Kai is you're boyfriend" Enzo spoke up. I looked at Y/n who nodded in response. "That was a small detail you left out... any reasons why?" Enzo asked Y/n with a big smirk plastered in his mouth. I looked at her confused why she would leave out the fact I was dating her. 

Why would she leave out Kai was her boyfriend?

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