Prologue: School

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I don't care much. I don't care to talk or be social. In the class, each learner focusing on their separate tasks. A wide airy of people: some tall, others short. Lets rather not talk about weight. But otherwise, your typical class in an ordinary classroom in a plain high school. Unnoticed I sit at the back observing everything, from the girls showing off their new clothes to some guy picking at his scabs Everyone is excited but why?

It has been the longest 4353 days of our lives.

Longest 104472 hours.

Longest 6268320 minutes!

Longest 376099200 seconds!

Longest, you get the idea.

Last 35 seconds everyone stands in angst, waiting for the final bell of, most, of our school years. At ten seconds comes the typical 10-9- 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 chant. The bell rings showing we are out and free. The class erupts in joy, except for the unfortunate 2 who did not pass. Brian and his smoking friend, Johnathan. Both failed in math and failed our physical exams. Ironically because these two were built to be pro athletes: bulging muscles and insane strength. As I calmly walked along with the hordes of high school graduates, I overhear most of their plans. These plans can mainly be placed into three categories: Overseas, Getting Wasted and Family time. Im okay. Just hand me my pillow and my comfy bed and I will be as happy as a clam.

Just as I reached the school gate, I hear a familiar voice shouting out:

HEY! James wait up!

This was odd. No one ever called me by name, no one ever actually called for me. I turn around to see a girl named: Charlotte. Charlotte is one of the most beautiful girls with whom I attended school.

So, where you heading?

She asked with her typical, knock your legs from underneath you, giggle.

Nowhere special just home.

Sounds fun can I join you.

Her brown hazelnut eyes shining like a bright star.

Now, this was weird. The first time anyone has asked me what I was going to do.

Sure, I just have one stop on my way home.

Now then lets go.

She said while jumping with joy.

Was this truly happening someone was happy or at least enthusiastic about doing something with me? The looser kid, the person no one likes: James Hampton?

Well, it was happening just not the way I expected things to turn out

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