Castelobruxo survives Max Lightwood-Bane

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Max stared at all those children with wands and wondered if he was doing something wrong.

All he needed to access his magic, as his dad Magnus had explained, was to will it into existence. More complicated spells required more training and special ingredients -but that was about it. He didn't have to chant fake Latin -Wingardium leviosa sounded like something his dad Alec would say when Max was younger. He was really bad at languages.

His teacher was a short fey man. Max was the only kid who hadn't started playing with the wand. His was set down on the desk, beside the feather. The teacher shot him a stern look. Max then was stricken by inspiration -the way only a thirteen year old could be.

Sparks popped off his hands and all the desks in the room started hovering a few inches off the air. The teacher however flew by the huge candelabra. Max looked up, a grin spreading over his blue features. He'd tell Raf all about it. And Uncle Jace -he'd find it really funny.


Max looked out at the large patch of forest out of his window. His previous trips to Brazil had often been confined to the big cities in the Southeast. Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, places with higher concentration of Shadowhunters. Dad Magnus wanted to see Olinda once, for Carnaval. Max remembered running around the streets with Raf, and being constantly teleported by his dad when Magnus didn't want them to see something.

The place he was in Amazonas was different from Manaus, but he didn't hate it. He could see the Amazonas river cutting the landscape in the distance. Largest in the world, dad Alec had told him. Full of demons too, so be careful.

Max had a roommate, Alison. He was a quiet scrawny kid, who spent most of his days studying the reading materials the teachers had given them. Max had a feeling Alison didn't like him all that much. Maybe because he was blue. Maybe because he had accidentally started a fire on day two.

A fire message popped out of the air. Max reached for the paper as it materialized. The students at Castelobruxo didn't use fire messages. They used birds to deliver messages. If Max had to choose, birds were cool, but not as cool as fire. If he could have a fire bird though, he'd definitely use it to send messages.


I hope you had a nice first week. We got just two angry letters from teachers, so I think we are good. Alec disagrees (see his message below), but I think this is acceptable. Keep up with your studies. I love you and I hope you write back soon. (This is me telling you to write back.)

Dad (Magnus)


I miss you. Why are you making your teachers float in the air? Were they mean to you? Do you want me to come over and talk to them? Do you want to come home? I love you. I miss you.



The house has been quiet since you left. But Dad is brushing off his Russian, so I may need immediate saving. отправить помощь! (he'll never get it. He still has trouble with Spanish.)

And do send pictures of the warlock you "accidentally" set on fire.

(I know you better than this. You accidentally set me on fire five too many times. I hope you're more careful in the future.)

Rafael Lightwood-Bane


Castelobruxo survives Max Lightwood-BaneWhere stories live. Discover now