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Moonbyul POV

Dammit! Why did she have to find me like that? Usually no one gets down there at this time. If it wasn't her I would have reacted differently but can't blame someone that just wanted to do their job right.

Whatever..I fucked up. She is scared of me now and probably won't get close to me in any way again I already know that. I didn't want to scare her..nor did I want to hurt her in any way but (Y/N) wouldn't believe that.

She ignores me at work, talks only when she had to and generally didn't want to get near me anymore. It hurt so much especially because I fell in love with her. I loved that woman, how am I supposed to get her trust back? I had tears in my eyes as I looked down on my paper, fingers clenching around the pen, groaning in annoyance. „Fuck! Fuck what I am. Why am I this terrible creature.."

„Awwh...look at you. So makes you even more hot, vampire." I heard a familiar voice say, making me cringe deep inside. I looked up to see the blonde woman sitting on the edge of my desk, looking at me with a smirk. She clearly loved my current state. „First of all. Didn't you hear about something that's called..knocking? Second..that's not your business. Leave me alone Solar." I said with a grumble in my voice. She knew about me being a vampire and never had a problem with it but I just simply didn't love her.

„Oh why so mad? I wouldn't make you feel like this. With me you would be happy now. But chose that weirdo. You will pay for rejecting my feelings, vampire." Her words just hit me like nothing, I didn't properly listen, I didn't care. It only made me more annoyed than anything else. I am mad enough about this whole situation why did she have to come and annoy me now. No. I want her to go. „Go! Fuck off and leave! I don't have time for your bullshit." I barked at her, feeling so mad right now and to my surprise, she stood up and left but she had a smile on her face. I saw her stopping right before the door and then she spoke again. „You will pay for that, vampire..." She said and left.

I couldn't hold it anymore, slamming my fist against the table and let out a growl. „Fuck!"

Readers POV

I avoided every single contact with Moonbyul the next days. I didn't even look at her of I didn't have to even tho I felt her eyes searching for mine all the time, I gave her the cold shoulder.

A lot of thoughts ran through my head. I knew what she was and it made me still scared. What if she was so kind towards me because she wanted to torture and eat me? Fuck I need to get out.

Later this evening I packed my stuff in my bag, not even wanting to think about it a second more. I wanted to leave, go back home. In the middle of packing, I heard a knock on my door, making my body tense up, scared that it was her. „W-Who is it?" I asked loud enough to make the person behind the door hear me. „Please relax girl it's me, Hwasa."

I let out a relieved sigh and opened the door, letting her step in. I saw her looking at my stuff with a not amused expression, knowing she hated to see that. „You can't escape. You signed the contract. If you go, you won't ever be able to come back again, are you sure you will break the contract just like that?" I heard her say but didn't fully listen as I packed the rest of my stuff, sitting on my bag to be able to close it.

„Hwasa...I will miss you too but hey we have our phone numbers so we won't be away from each other forever." I explained before clapping both of my hands together. I am finished. „Besides...I really have to go back home. My grandma isn't feeling well and I need to support my mom."  Of course I needed to figure out a story so I won't make another person scared. Even tho I would love to leave with Hwasa, this here seemed to feel like home to her, I wouldn't want her to lose it.

„Fine. It was good to be your friend. Maybe we will be able to see each other soon." She said with a sad smile and hugged me. I hugged her back so tight, wishing her all the best before I left completely.

I must say I will miss some things here. It was fancy living here but no thanks I wouldn't like to end up as vampire food.

When I reached the entrance door, I tried to push it open but a wave of energy hit my body and threw me back, making me fall back on my back, a groan escaping my lips at the hit. „Fuck...ugh..." I groaned. The fuck was that?

I rubbed my head and heard footsteps getting closer to me, making me turn around and I immediately froze seeing her.

„You really are going to leave me huh?" I heard her say with her attractive voice, making my body shiver-..or I am just shivering out of how scared I was. I couldn't tell at this point.

„Yes! Let me go. I don't want to be here anymore. I don't want to end up being fucking vampire food!" I groaned in annoyance, getting up and stepping back, staying away from her as far as possible.

„Then go..." Hearing her say that made my eyes widen in surprise. What did she say? „W-what?"

„You heard me..go...go before I fall for you more! It already hurts, go! Leave me and never come back!" My eyes widen more as she started yelling, she looked creepy like that but then I saw her cry. Is she crying cause of me? No way...

I stood there, looking at her speechlessly before I grabbed my bag and immediately left before she changed her mind.

I was crying but it should be the best for both of us. I am so sorry...

// Hello! So uh this kind of sounded like a bad ending but dw it's not. The story will continue so please stay tuned for another chapters!

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