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Jimin's Pov:

After breakfast me and Mother got in the car and went down to the courtyard, To be honest i was so nervous knowing that I had no clue what this taemin guy looked liked.

I mean he could be super old and I don't really have a thing for old guys, I shuffled around in my seat a little drawing the attention of my mom

"Jiminie what's the matter dear?"

She said softly grabbing my hands, I sighed and frowned a little

"Mom do I really have to..?"

"Jimin..you know how much your father wants this, and it would make him very happy if you did this for him"

I nodded a little and sat back in my seat as silence started to fill the car, my mother scooted towards me and started taking her necklace off

"mom what are you-"

"here, wear this around your neck so that way if your ever feeling nervous or scared, you hug this pendant as close as you can to your heart and say to yourself, I'm brave, I am strong, i can do this"

I sat back in my seat smiling sweetly at her before giggling a bit, after my spurt of laughter which had lightened the tension in the car i slowly sat up wiping the small tears that had formed in the corners of my eyes as mom gently placed the pendant around my neck

"now I want you to take good care of this for me, ok?"

My smiled widened as my eyes formed the crescent moons my grandmother always adored me for


No ones Pov:

The sweet tension beetween those two stayed with them as they continued on their journey to the courtyard, After they arrived Jimin was the first to rush out the car out onto the small field to look for his friends.

In the small crowed he spotted one of them and went and jumped into the arms of his Best friend Jungkook, a Tall male who was fairly built and had gorgeous black hair.

Jungkook gasped in surprised as he caught the small blonde male in his arms holding onto him and wrapping his built arms around the smallers waist

"What the-"

"Kooky, I don't wanna marry taemin pwease save meee.."

Jimin whined loudly as tears came to his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, Jungkook chuckled softly as he smiled his signature bunny smile as he gently set Jimin down

"Jiminie I wish I could but its not my place to take you away-"

He patted jimin's bed of blonde hair and softly kissed his head "but if I could...You, me and taehyungie would run away and never look back so that way we could all be happy together"

He spoke softly peering down at him through his doe eyes.

Jimin's eyes widened as he looked away quickly as blush started to adorn his chubby cheeks

"Your such a sweet talker Jeon..." He mumbled to himself, of course he had a crush on Jungkook but he would never tell him that cause he was too shy.


He heard someone scream from somewhere, but before he had time to turn around to find out where the voice was coming from he found himself being tackled to the ground by no other than his other best friend taehyung plus his other crush.

Now I know what y'all thinking, "Jimin has two crushes? Dis mans a hoe"

But its not like that at all, he originally liked only taehyung at first but when Jungkook came into his life he couldn't help but develop a crush on the taller as well .

Now Taehyung who was was also fairly built male, had beautiful bright red hair and was a tall fellow if Jimin was the one judging.

"Oh god Tae, get off your too big and crushing me"

Jimin grunted between the gasps of air he was sharply intaking, Jungkook snickered and mumbled "That's what she said~"

taehyung rolled his eyes at kook and him being him he obnoxiously gasped dramatically and said "Me? Fat? Jimin my dear you wound me"

He fakely cried grabbing his chest where his heart was and falling on his back as if he just died, Jimin and jungkook giggled at his antics as his other friends walked over to the trio.

Jimin's Pov:

I giggled at taehyung's little show he put on as i gasped happily seeing my other friends

"jinnie, monie, seok, and yoongz welcome!"

Jin was the first to speak, now jin was a super confident guy and loved to flaunt his looks and beauty to everyone he meets, he's so pretty he made other people feel ugly

"I guess the decorations are ok but I would have picked better" he hummed

"Don't you agree joon?"

Namjoon hyung was the smartest of our friend group and having the a level of a 148 IQ, now that was smart.

Now sometimes Jin hyung would question his IQ because he breaks stuff sometimes....well alot but we dont blame him for it especially Jin, Even though Namjoon breaks his things quite often jin still loves him anyway.

"I guess so, I'm not too picky about the decor However I think the colors a little boring"

I smiled at their comments and looked over at my other two friends hoseok and yoongi the ideal soon to be couple, and what I mean by that is yoongi hyung likes hobi hyung but he won't tell him at all cause he's too shy.

Those two are complete opposites too for example, yoongi is quiet, always sleepy and doesn't talk much, however he does have nice skin....I wonder what skincare ptoducts he uses...

"when is this over so I can go take a nap?"

Yoongi yawned softly as he slouched a bit "oh cmon yoongz lighten up a bit!"

Hobi smiled happily, Now Hoseok hyung was a happy go lucky guy and loves being around people Plus he's really loud but they do share one thing, they both have a passion for music and you can say they are like the sun and the moon.

Complete opposites but made for each other.

I squinted a bit from hobi hyung's smile since it was so bright "Damn its blinding..." I whispered to myself.

No ones Pov:

"Jimin Dear time to get ready!"

Mrs.Park called out to him as she then made her way back into the building, Jimin turned to all his friends sighing softly

"See you guys"

He waved slightly with his small hand and walkrd towards the building, they all said a small bye and went to find their seats.

"You think he'll be ok jinnie?" namjoon asked as he peered down at the shorter male studying his handsome face

"Yes namjoon, he'll be fine besides I have a feeling this wedding will get interesting"

He chuckled As his boyfriend looked at him with a confused look.


(Ayo, wassup I hope that chapter was ok.)

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