Who new a sister running off is a good thing? (Joaquin x Kevin X male reader

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Joaquin x Kevin x male reader

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Joaquin x Kevin x male reader.

Warnings: a three-way relationship? Kissing? and that's all I think.

M\N: Male name
S\N: sisters name

I don't really have a plot so I'm gonna just go where to story takes me!

(M\N pov)

I was walking down an alley looking for my sister, when I here someone, "Joaquin, Joaquin, Joaquin!!" A voice repeated then suddenly raises their voice most likely trying to snap the person out of a daydream of something. 

Wait... Joaquin?? As in Joaquin Desantos??
I think, I walk around the corner looking down and run into something- or someone... when I look up I see Two boys looking at me.

"Sorry, I should've been looking where I was going!" I apologise with a fast squeaky voice.

"Oh, no it's fine!" The taller one with short brown hair and dark brown eyes.

"M\N?? What are you doing here??" Joaquin asks looking confused.

"Oh, hey Joaquin! I was just passing by looking for S\N, she ran off while I was talking to a friend." I replied smiling at him. "who's your friend??" I ask looking at the other boy.

"Oh! Hi, I'm Kevin, Kevin Keller." He introduced, wait, Keller? "As in Sheriff Keller?" I ask looking at Joaquin.

"Don't worry, he won't say anything if we don't say anything," Joaquin said wrapping an arm around Kevin.

"Are you guys... like dating??" I ask looking between the two, but before they could reply I heard a scream- S\N scream, my eyes widened as I backed away and ran straight to where the scream came from.

"S\N!!" I yell seeing S\N with a bad cut on her arm with someone running away from her, "are you ok?" I ask as Kevin and Joaquin come running towards us, "can you guys watch her?" I ask looking at them.

"Yeah sure," Kevin replies crouching down studying her arm.

"Thanks," I reply before running after the guy.

(Insert random Time-skip)

Walking back down the alley with bruises and blood on me, I find Joaquin and Kevin Sitting with S\N sprawled on their laps sleeping, I usually would've scolded them for sitting on such a dirty floor but I noticed a blanket under them.

"Thanks, I don't know how to repay you guys," I say sitting crisscross in front of them.

"A kiss?" Kevin Jokes chuckling, while brushing his hand through S\N hair.

"Ha-ha, very funny," I reply sarcastically when suddenly Joaquin looks at us.

"Actually, yeah, a kiss will make it up for us." He says smirking at us.

"Uh, aren't you guys dating? I don't want to ruin anyone's relationship-" I suddenly get cut off when a pair of lips land on mine, my eyes widened before slowly closing and kissing back. When I pull away I open my eyes to see Kevin looking at me.

"I am so sorry! I don't know what happened! Joaqu-" he gets cut off by Joaquin laughing.

"Chill Preppy it's fine! Only if I get a kiss too of course." He says then suddenly turning to me raising an eyebrow, I look at Kevin and he nods. Slowly, leaning in our lips touch.

Pulling away, I look at them.
"So..." I say my voice drifting off.

"Hey...you wouldn't wanna go on a date with us right?" Kevin asks looking everywhere but me.

"Yeah, yeah, sure," I reply A small smile Planted on my face looking at them.

"M\N??" I hear a small voice, looking down I Notice that S\N is awake, "morning, sunshine." I say smiling at her.

"Well, we should get home," I say looking at them while standing up and offering my hand to S\N, she takes my hand but before we can walk away Kevin Grabs onto me making me turn around.

"You wouldn't want a ride would you?" He asks looking at us.

"Yeah, yeah that'll be great," I reply smiling at them.

(Insert magical Time-skip)

When we get home Kevin and Joaquin wait with me by the car while S\N goes inside to Re-rap the bandage on her arm.

"So that date? How about Pops Saturday 3:45 pm sharp?" Kevin asks looking at us.

"Yeah fine with me," Joaquin replied, while I nod and smile.

"Well, I should go," I say turning to them and look between them.

"Yeah..." Kevin trailed off as I kiss Kevins Cheek and Joaquins Forehead before walking into the house and looking out the window to see them smiling.

Huh...who would've thought? Me, dating a Blue-eyed serpent and a Preppy northsider?

Please comment your opinion on this!! And if you have a request go to the request page also if you Request a show, movie or I don't know I might not be able to do it!! Sorry!! This is 880 words long, I tried to make it longer I just couldn't think of anything, but a new book will be out soon! It's A 'ASOUE' Oc insert but the chapters will take really long because I try to do all the episode in one chapter, I hope you enjoyed! I will be checking for any typos soon!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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