Chapter 1

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Mentions of bruises, cuts and wounds
Cute birds

Ranboo awoke to cold snow falling on him, melting as it touched his face burning him slightly. he looked around wondering how he ended up in a snow biome, last he remembers is that he was in the forest biome with someone, he can't remember their features, but they seem familiar to him. Everything after was blank to him, a soft cawing sound brought him back to reality. 

in front of him stood two crows, one looking at him with a tilted head while the other stood behind with its speckled wing of white. the one in front cawed a little louder to get his attention. it flapped its wings as a signal to follow it as it flew up as the other watched from the ground, it then looked at ranboo as to tell him to get up as it flew up too. Ranboo got up, his legs wabled under him as he tried to stand. He managed to walk as the crows led him through the biome. His legs were on fire as he continuously fell and it was getting darker, mobs were going to spawn soon. The two crovids seemed to notice and lead him to a cave near the mountains. He was cold and his clothes were soaked. He looked around the cave for anything to warm himself. He managed to find some sticks and rocks and made a small fire to keep himself from freezing. The two birds were in the cave with him and helped him to find sticks for his fire. The one with white speckled wings perched itself on his thigh while the other sat on his head between his stubby horns and crown. the one perched on his thigh seemed to threaten him as it only stared at him while the other just played in his hair.

'your quite intimidating for a bird little guy' he said

the bird just continued staring.

'what do you want?'

it just kept staring, the other seemed to notice as it looked down upside down as it hung off one of his horns and looked at the other one and cawed at it, the one on his leg hopped of his leg and hopped behind him and tugged at his jacket gently, as to tell him to take it off.

'oh is that what you was trying to tell me' he said as he shrugged off his jacket

he felt something bite his tail as he turned around and looked at the bird

'that was very rude of you' he said tugging the limb towards himself

said bird nugged on his side while the other glided down from his head and looked at him as to tell him to lay down. he listened to the bird and layed down next to the fire as the bird sat next to him while the one with white speckled wings sat next to the other. He drifted off as the fire cracked next to him.

When he awoke he was being nugged by one of the crows, he sat up as he looked around and his eyes landed on both corvids to tell him that he should get up. He grabbed his jacket and got up as the birds took off. He was led to a small forest near the mountain. They led him to a fairly large berry patch and started to eat from it. The speckled crow flew up to him with a branch of berries in its beak and placed it in his hands to tell him it's safe to eat. He thanked the bird as he ate the berries given to him. When they were finished the birds started to lead him again. after walking for a bit he noticed smoke from the distance and the crows headed so he ran with them, his legs burned but he didnt care, he could get help, he could-

He fell into the snow, his legs burned one of the birds returned the white speckled one and landed next to him and started to caw at him to keep him awake in dispersion. he heard footsteps approach him with another set of caws

'Is this what you wanted to show me cosmos?' the person asked kneeling down next to ranboo

'you alright there mate?' the person asked ranboo groaned in response 

the person called for someone as ranboo promptly passed out the voices fading as he lost consciousness.

ranboo awoke to a small weight on his chest, he blinked open his eyes, groaning as he opened it. He looked at the small weight only to realize it was the speckled crow, who seemed to realize he was awake and stared at him and got up and nugged him as to comfort the boy.

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