Chapter Two

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Zosia walks down the road holding her bag close to her when she spots Sam "Sam!" she calls making him turn

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Zosia walks down the road holding her bag close to her when she spots Sam "Sam!" she calls making him turn. "Zosh, anything weird happening to your family?" he asks, slowing to let her catch up. "I-I guess." Zosia shrugs fiddling with her necklace. "Tell me later." he tells her noticing her nerves and taking her hand in his. Zosia nods and holds his hand as they walk down the main road W here they find Jake and Andy. "Something's happened, hasn't it? While we were lost in the bush." Andy tells Jake stopping him from leaving. "Touch me again and something WILL happen." Jake threatens. "It's not just Andy. Something happened to me too." Sam says before explaining his parents not remembering him. "They had no idea who you were?" Andy asks. "None." Sam responds. "What about you, Jake?" Zosia asks. "Leave me out of this. You guys are cracked." Jake tells them. "Something's wrong, isn't it." Andy says. "Look, someone's living in my house. Okay? And my mum's gone missing. So I don't need to listen to your nerd fantasies, I just need to find her." Jake responds getting angry. "Jake! There's a 70, maybe 80% probability that when you do find her, she'll have no idea who you are." Andy tells him. "Yeah, cheers." Jake says turning to leave. "Wait! We'll help you find her." Andy tells him making him stop and turn back to them.

Zosia looks at Sam who shrugs and takes her hand again "Okay, Andy. What do you think happened?" Jake asks. "My theory is, while we were lost in the bush, our families experienced mass delusional hysteria." Andy explains. "That makes no sense whatsoever."Jake tells him. "Delusions can take extreme forms. There was an entire village in southern China where all the men thought their... Had shrivelled away to nothing." Andy explains. "Oh, man!" Sam cringes as Zosia makes a disgusted face. "In our case, it's taking the form of collective amnesia. Everyone who knows us has forgotten us." Andy continues. "What about Felix and Zosia?" Jake asks. "If it's happened to them, that's at least proof that the five of us are somehow connected to this." Andy says as Zosia opens her mouth to tell them about Oscar. "Come on, Jake, you owe us that much." Sam tells Jake. "Alright." Jake concedes. "But where do we find him? Sleeping in a coffin somewhere?" Jake asks. "I know where he lives, so does Zosia." Sam says with a shrug. "Really...? Zosia I get, but you?" Jake questions. "Zosia has been my best friend since we were three. We stay round each other's places all the time." Sam explains. "Always have, always will." Zosia grins. Sam chuckles as the two of them lead the way to Zosia and Felix's house hand in hand.

The group arrives at the house to find Felix sat outside playing chess "How's that theory holding up?" Jake asks. Zosia goes to try and explain about Oscar again but is interrupted by Andy... again "He doesn't exactly look like he's having a bad day." he responds. "Hey, guys." Felix greets walking over to them. "You're home?" Andy asks. "Where else would I be?" Felix responds. "Everything... Okay?" Sam asks him. "Man, how good does it feel to be home after last night?" Felix asks. "Yeah, about that..." Sam starts. "Well, I hope you like this. It's one of Oscar's favourites. Friends of yours, Felix?" Felix and Zoshia's mum asks. "Yeah, these are the guys that helped me back from the bush." Felix tells her. "Sounds like an adventure. Can I get you anything else?" she asks. "No. The fairy bread is great." Felix smiles. "Oh, man, I'm starving. I haven't eaten since..." Sam starts. "You ate Roland's food in front of us?" Zosia chuckles. "That's right. Whoops. And I had a chicken." Sam chuckles. "Here. We've only got this low-sugar stuff, so you will have to drink three times as much." Oscar says walking out. "Thanks, Oscar." Felix responds. "He's walking!" Jake exclaims. "He shouldn't be walking." Andy says. "I know, my brain REALLY hurts." Sam tells them. "I tried to tell you guys but you kept speaking over me." Zosia mumbles. "Mum, did you make fairy bread?" Oscar asks. "Yeah, you love it." their mum says. "Yeah, when I was six!" Oscar responds.

"More visitors. Some of your new friends, Oscar." their mum smiles. "You make me sound like a loser." Oscar mumbles. "I'll leave you both to play before I get into more trouble. I might have a lie-down." their mum says before walking inside the house. "Oscar, I'll be back in a sec, Okay." Felix tells him. "Did you take your move?" Oscar asks motioning to the chess board. "Yeah, just a pawn." Felix nods "What are you guys doing here?" he asks. "I thought I lived here." Zosia points out. "Why is your brother walking?" Jake asks. "I know. It's crazy, right?" Felix smiles. "How is it possible?" Sam asks. "It's not." Zosia says. "I know..." Felix starts. "Felix, will you stay for dinner?" their mum asks. "Yeah. Thanks. I'd like that." Felix responds. "Well, that's... wonderful." she smiles heading back inside again. "Stay for dinner? Like you don't actually live here?" Andy asks. "Of course I live here." Felix responds. "But mum called you, a new friend." Jake says. "They don't know who we are, do they? Felix!" Zosia asks. "I came home, and it was like this. Oscar can walk, but my family can't remember me. It's weird, but our brother can walk!" Felix responds smiling. "Oscar is definitely an X factor in my theory." Andy comments. "What theory?" Felix asks. "Collective amnesia. Our families were so traumatised by us going missing, that they had a short circuit. But your brother walking? It doesn't fit at all." Andy explains.

"None of this is helping me find my mum. So... I'm out of here." Jake says before walking off. "Jake!" Felix starts. "You know, I can't believe I let you brain-dead pack of losers into my head." Jake glares. "Brain-dead? Seriously?" Andy asks. "Where are you going?" Zosia asks. "What do you think? What I should have been doing all this time." Jake retorts storming off. Just then Felix spots Ellen "Ellen!" he calls out. "What is she wearing?" Sam asks Zosia making her shrug. "Ellen!" Felix smiles. "Do I know you?" Ellen asks. "Oh, no. You too?" Felix groans. "Me too what?" Ellen asks. "Sorry. My mistake. You look like a friend." Felix tells her. "Well, I'm not." Ellen tells him. "You sound like her too." Felix adds. "Figures this misfit would be one of your friends." Ellen tells Oscar. "I hate you too." Oscar tells her. "Guys, I'm gonna... Maybe you should go." Felix tells Sam and Andy. "We should stick together." Andy says. "Why?" Felix asks. "Whatever's going on happened to all of us. Maybe it's because of us." Andy suggests. "When you can figure it out, you know where to find me." Felix tells them. "I'm sticking with Sam." Zosia tells Felix before holding Sam's hand and walking off with him. "Zosia?" Sam asks. "Later." she tells him. "Guys!" Felix calls after them before catching up.

The four of them head to the skate park where they sit down, Zosia leaning her head on Sam's shoulder "We have power and network but... Still nothing." Andy says looking at the phones. "If I just get my hands on a phone that works, I'll call..." Sam starts. "Who?" Zosia asks. "Well, someone has to remember us." Sam says as his stomach rumbles. "I don't think that fairy bread was enough." Andy says. "And it's only made me hungrier." Sam comments. "Do you think we'll starve to death... In our own town?" Andy asks. "Like those stories you read in the papers... About old people who starve to death and get half-eaten by their pets." Felix comments. "You just default to cheerful, don't you?" Zosia asks her brother. "There's an old apple tree out back of the footie stand if you're desperate." Jake says walking over to them. "You alright?" Zosia asks. "I'm sorry about before." Jake apologises. "Did she remember you?" Andy asks. Jake shakes his head "Yeah, welcome to the club." Sam tells him. "My mum's got a whole new life... New job, new car, new hair, and she's married to Bates." Jake tells them. "Mr Bates?" Zosia asks. "What?" Sam asks. "Whoa! And Felix's brother can walk. It's not amnesia. So what's really going on?" Andy asks. "Dude, I'll tell you what's going on. What's going on is I'm starving. We need to find something to eat and somewhere to stay." Sam says. "I know this seems challenging, but... The one thing I've learned from watching Bear Grylls is that..." Andy starts. "No more, Andy. Shut up." Zosia tells him. "Couldn't agree more." Jake says. "I know somewhere we can go." Sam tells them. Zosia smiles as Sam stands up, pulling her up with him.

Sam leads the group to a cabin "My brothers and I played ball games here when we were kids." Sam explains. Zosia pushes the door open "It's open." she smiles. "It used to look a lot better." Sam tells them. "It has potential. Every gang needs a hideout." Andy says. "We are not a gang." Jake tells him. "Technically we are, if you consider..." Andy starts making Jake look at him "Okay, not a gang." he says. "We can clear this space over here to eat..." Sam says. "To eat?" Zosia asks. "Has anybody else got their phones?" Zosia asks. "Mine's out of juice." Jake says. "Same." Felix responds. "I've got mine on power-save mode." Andy tells them. "Nice one." Jake says punching his arm. "Ow!" Andy remarks. "You know what'd make this even worse?" Felix asks. "What?" Zosia asks. "If I wasn't here." Felix smiles making her roll her eyes. "Good one, Dracula." Jake comments. "We've got shelter. So now we just need a reliable source of food." Andy says. "There are plenty more things in Bremin." Zosia shrugs sitting down. Sam nods and joins her as Andy, Felix and Jake go and look round outside "Felix is right though. It could be worse." he tells her. "Yeah, I could be stuck with just you." Zosia jokes. Sam laughs and makes a fake hurt face "You love me really." he smiles. "Yeah, I do." Zosia smiles leaning into him.

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