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Olivia Pov:
BEEP BEEP ugh I get up and go to the bathroom take a shower get out put on a towel go to my room and get dressed. I go down to the kitchen and sit down at the table eat my food when I'm done I clean my plate and kiss my mom on the cheek and I'm almost
Out the door when my mom says " I forgot to tell you you are moving in with your dad because you to much to handle"I say" what why you know what he did to me why are you making me move now!" Before she says any thing I grab my skateboard and back pack and ride to school. I walk into the school and I'm already 5 minutes late so I run to my first period class. I slowly walk in while the teachers back is turned and sit down she says" late ones again Olivia and students there's a new student here and his name is Sidney Crosby be nice" And he stands up and looks down I say "yes Ms. Grande many if you weren't so boring I wouldn't be late all the time" the class starts to giggle and my friends high five me and she turned around and got up in my face and said" MABY IF YOU WEREN'T SO STUPID YOU WOULD BE PASING MY CLASS!" I get my backpack and pull out my report card and say " ok so if I'm so stupid then why do I have an A in your class tell me that" she looks at my card and tools her eyes and turns around and continues with the lesson , my friends look at me and mouth "where we're you" I mouth back "I'll tell you at lunch " they say "ok" and look back at the teacher I look down at my table and think this is going to be hard to tell them . Lunch tools around and I grab my lunch and sit down and what for them. They come and there names are mike, Ashely, Avery , Bernadette, and Paul they sit down and Paul asked " why You wasn't here 5 minutes ago" I didn't want to tell them but I had to so here it goes. I said "the reason why I wasn't here was that my mom said that I'm going to move to my dads because I'm to much to handle " Avery said " how far is it ,it can't be that far" I said with teary eyes "he lives in California and we live in New York" Avery looked at me and said teary eyed " that is 2,901 miles that we will be apart" Paul started to get teary eyed and I stood up out walked over and hugged him and said "I'll miss you" he said in a shaky voice "I'll miss you to" and we heard the bell ring and we went to our classes sadder that we have ever Been . The end of the day came so fast and we quickly found each other and we sat in the front of the school and they waited until my mom came to pick me up. I saw her car and We started to cry we stood up and looked at each of them and hugged Paul first he wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me off the ground and put me back down .Next was Bernadette then Ashely the best for last was Avery me and her stared at each other and busted out crying and hugged tighter then ever never wanting to let go but we had to and we wiped our tears and I said to them "I love you guys so much you were there for me when I had my hard times and I stopped swallowing a lump in my throat I just love you guys so much promise that all of you won't forget me while I'm gone"Avery said "how are we going to forget you , your amazing and wild "we all start laughing and my mom honks we look back and we look at each other and I say" I guess this means goodby" I turn around and start to walk away but I run back and hug them and let go and start to walk to the car I slowly turn around and wave and say" goodby love you guys I'll txt you when I get on the plane " i get in the car and drive of and I lean back into the seat and start to cry my mom says "don't cry honey everything will be ok in California" I put in my headphones and listen to music all the way home . We get there and we start packing my things by the time we were done my room looked empty I went to bed and I thought what is he going to do is he going to abuse me or be like the other dads I hope so ,I closed my eyes and fell asleep . The next day the day I have to go live with my dad. We got my stuff and put it in the car we drove to the airport and we went to get our things scanned and we sat at the entrance of the flight doorway. They called my flight and I looked at my mom and hugged her and told her that I loved her I got on the plane and sat down in the middle row and got the window seat(whoop) and two guys sat next to me and had there hoods on . The flight assistant told us that we were lifting off and to buckle up so I did and the guys did and took there hoods off and one of them as started saying something but I didn't hear them so I took one of my earphones off and said "sorry what did you say" he said "Hi my name is Keaton stromberg and this is my brother Wesley stromberg what is yours" I said "hey my name is Olivia Garcia" we shook hands and Keaton asked " what are you going to California for" I Said"well I'm moving there because my mom said that I'm to wild to take care of so I'm moving in with my dad" Wesley said "that should be fun" I said"NO it is far from fun he was abusive to me" Keaton said "well here give me your phone I'll put my number in and call me if there is something wrong over there ok and please don't give it to any one because I've had to Change my number 1029 times" I said "ok I won't " he gave it back and we talked about each other and we had a lot alike. So the flight attendant said "The plan has landed so get you bags and exit the plane thank you and welcome to California" I got my bag and got off the plane to see my dad there smiling . I walked over happy and at the same time scared he whispered and said "I'm sorry for the abuse I put you in I was just mad that me and you mom got divorced" he started to cry a little bit I said "I forgive you " we picked up my other bag and put it in the car. We drove to there house and OMG it was huge I got out and my dad took me to me room and it was so cool rock band posters all different posters that I liked . I told him I loved it and started to unpack when I was done I was so tired but I had to txt my friends that I landed an I laid on my bed and fell asleep.

Hey I hope you like my story my thumbs hurt so I hope you guys like it
- Nicole

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