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Okay, because they deleted "I Sit Down When I Pee" I am putting all of the lyrics down here.



ST: I sit down when I pee. There's nothing that crazy 'bout me. I'm just taking a whiz, mind your own biz, WHY IS EVERYBODY ALWAYS STARING AT ME!!!

SB: Hey bro, I gotta go. Let me through, I gotta go number two.

ST: No can do I'm taking a pee, sittin' down strong is fine for me!

SB: Are you sitting down?

ST: I'm sitting down

SB: Your not making brown?

ST: I'm not making brown

SB: Making ice tea?

ST: just lemonade

SB: are you sittin' down?

ST: I'm sittin' down!

SB: Why don't you stand like a regular man, then you can pee in the urnal can?

ST: If you really wanna know why i'm sitting strong, I just can't stand touching my PFFFFFFF*

Tell me if I did anything wrong! (if you know what the video was)

* There is accually no words here. It just has the PFFFFFFF noise. No, not a farting noise, more like a static TV noise.

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