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Cataleya Valentina Velez:

I wake up because of the first rays of the sun and look at the time. 

It's already five in the morning, so I'm just in time to get a quick shower before we have to leave. 

I take a quick shower and head back to my room, looking at the empty bed. But it's not.

It's not empty because Neveah is sitting on it. 'What are you doing here?' 

'I'm going to try to convince you to stay of course.' I roll my eyes and walk over to my closet. 'You woke up, at five in the morning, just to convince me to stay?' 

She yawns and nods, before slowly standing up. Neveah looks terrible. As if the rest day she had yesterday only made it worse. 

'I think you should let them go on their own, I mean you don't want to be around Rio anyways so-' She's right. I don't. But I'm not going to let them do this on their own, 'I think you should stay.' 

'I think I should tag along, to make sure that they don't kill Hunter the moment they see him.' She shakes her head and takes a deep breath, before smiling at me. 'Tiago promised that he would get him to me so that I can finish the job.' 

I nod and put on a simple outfit, before turning back to her. 'And what about the other Curzio?' 

She rolls her eyes and follows me back into the bathroom. 

'I don't know what to do about him, but I don't think he's that eager to kill Hunter, right?' 

According to Celine, he is. According to Celine, Rio hates Hunter with every cell in his body. 'I'm still going so that you can get your revenge.' 

The words sound weird, but her eyes light up a little. She's ready to get this over with. To get Hunter so that she can torture or kill him for what he did to her. To her family. 

As much as I hate the thought of her torturing anyone, I feel like she deserves this. 

The man I thought was the most innocent one at the party, is also the man who tortured and killed my best friend's family. 

I still can't believe that it was Hunter who did this, who did all of that to get revenge on some old feud. I just don't understand how, but then again, there's not much I know about all of this. 

'I honestly don't think it's a smart idea.' She mumbles, grabbing my arm to grab my attention. 

There's no way I'm backing down from this. Especially now that she can't go. It would be much more fun if we could both go, but she's sick. So I'll go in her stead. 

Not to kill or torture Hunter, but to make sure Rio or Leon won't. 

'I feel like it is.' I chime, smiling at her before I start brushing my teeth. She looks at me, trying to come up with arguments she can use to keep me here, but there are none. 

'What if you die?' I spit in the sink and slowly turn around to her. 'You think I'm going to die?' 'It might happen, I don't want you to die.' 

'I'm not going to die.' I hope. No. I don't think I'll die. Leon and Rio will be there. Not that Rio would care if I die, but Leon won't let me die. I think. Right? 

Plus, I'll be cautious. I'll take care of myself. 

Yet Neveah looks at me with a distressed look. 'I'm not going to die.' I repeat, trying to convince her. 

'I don't know Leya...' She pulls me closer and hugs me tightly, 'I honestly don't care if Rio kills him, you should stay.' No. 

I won't give him that. I won't let him ruin this for her. He already ruined enough, I won't let him ruin this for her. No fucking way. 

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