Visiting a friend

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Cream place:

Emerl was standing in unfamiliar place while looking down at the paper and up at the house number, making sure it's the right address and not someone else

E: this must be the place *takes a step forward and has his hand ready to knock at the door* okay Emerl you got this just take a deep breath and let it all out
*looks at the door and gets ready to knock but soon stop midway* no no wait maybe I should practice first, okay I'll just say this

"Hey cream sorry for coming here unexpectedly, umm I came here to bring this to you"

Nah to simple, take two

"Heyyyyy cream how you been, good that's good, I've been good as well Um just wanted to let you know I came to drop these" *has both hands on his hips*
Oh god no, why would I even say that, take three

5 minutes later....

Maybe I could say this, wait how long have I've been standing here *checks his phone* crap I've waisted 15 minutes here and I haven't still knock yet DEEP BREATH EMERL YOU GOT THIS *climbs on the front porch and heads to the door then knocks*

In the bedroom

C: hmm...

Cream slowly opens her eyes as she sits up from her bed and rubs her eyes to later see her alarm clock time and jolts up from her bed

C: oh no I must have overslept *goes to the mirror as she looks at herself to see a bit of puffy eyes*

She sighs
I still look a mess, maybe if I apply concealer it'll hide my eye-bags *puts concealer under her eyes*

She then puts her hair on a ponytail, not that soon she hears a door bell ring
That must be Amy

Before she leaves her room she takes one more glance look at the mirror to see if her eye bags isn't showing doesn't look that bad she then dashes down the stairs to open the front door to which her surprise, standing there wasn't Amy but her friend Emerl

C: Emerl?...

Emerl looks at her and smiles

E: err...hi...cream dumbass why did you stutter um how you been?

C: I've been okay thanks for asking *sly smile*

E: *hands her the drawing*

Cream receives the paper as she flips the paper around to see her drawing as her eyes widens open

E: erm Mrs. Ruby said you probably dropped it in the hallway so she picked it up but unfortunately she was to late to saved you can see it's ruined with footmarks

Not listening, she looks at the drawing as tears start streaming down her cheeks again, falling down on her ruin paper, as memories of while ago flooded back

Emerl noticed cream tears as he took a step forward and rise his hands to wipe her tears away but stop midways feeling a bit hesitate, so he drops his hands down and instead watch her sob

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