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Aria's POV


"Goodbye, mia figlia." My dad said, hugging me on the runway. "Look after your brother and stay out of trouble."

"No promises." I smiled.

" least look after your brother."

The sun had barely rose as we all said our goodbyes. Mom and Dad were used to this with me, but mom was a little too attached to let Adriano go. She constantly asked my father if they should ride with us to America but he assured her that we would be safe. Sarah was excited to get rid of Luca and I. She told me to take lots of pictures and remember her hangover recipe.

"Thank god." I groaned as I plopped down on the couch. "If mom shed another tear I'm pretty sure she would've caused the second great flood."

"Oh, please, you know you'll miss them." Luca smiled, sitting next to me. He was right, I would miss them. I love my parents more than anything. The school counselor thinks I cause so much trouble because it forces my parents to come see me. I think its bullshit, but I also say that about everything that comes out of her mouth.

Adriano stood in the middle of the plane awkwardly. Sometimes I forget that he's younger than me, that he hasn't experienced as much. Not only has he never been on a plane without an adult, but he's never even been away from my parents for more than two nights.

"What do we do now?" He asked, looking around the empty jet.

"Whatever the fuck we want." I shrugged. "We're stuck on this thing for around 12 hours."

"I want to sleep." He yawned. I rolled my eyes and pointed to the back bedroom, which caused him to happily prance in that direction.

"I can't believe this is our last year." Luca sighed, looking out the window.

"I know, and thank god for it."

"Oh, come on, you know you'll miss it, wish you could go back."

"Is that your way of calling me a burnout."

"Maybe." He laughed, earning himself a slap upside the head.

"I've had enough of your ass this summer."

"Oh yes, because I'm sure you'll get a break when you see Helena." He rolled his eyes.

"A break from you is a break indeed." I smile.

"What does that even mean?"

"It means it is five in the fucking morning and I'm going to sleep."

"That is something I can agree with."

Not long after our bickering, Luca and I both passed out on the couch. When we woke up, we still had five hours left on the flight. I wanted to murder myself for letting Adriano sleep in the back room, and the throbbing in my neck agreed.

I binged watched gossip girl for the fifth time, as one would, while Luca played something on his Nintendo switch. Adriano was starting to enjoy his newfound freedom and binge eating all of the candy and sweets on the plane. By the time we landed I watched half a season, Luca beat twenty levels on his game, and brother dearest was in a food coma.

I also made sure to change before we got off the plane. Stonebridge didn't play around when it came to their expectations of the students, especially dress codes. The school colors were navy and burgundy, not a bad match...but not a great one either. A lot of the girls, including Helena and myself, altered the skirts, making them much shorter than their original knee length.

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