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Lucy: NATSU!!!!!!!!!!!

Natsu: what it wasn't me!

Lucy: ya it was! I was right here when you did it, so don't you dare lie to me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Natsu: alright, alright, it was me.

Lucy: clean it up before gray comes back!

Natsu: no.

Lucy: NOW!!!!!!!!!

Natsu: alr...........


(glances at Lucy then natsu)

NATSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOW COULD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Natsu: what it wasn't me, it was lucy!

Gray: Why do you always blame everything on lucy when clearly you did it!!!!

Natsu: Because..........because.........

Happy: Because you love her! And you always tell me that you love the way her ass moves whenever she walks or even runs! You always tell me that you just wanna kiss her for being so right all the time!

Lucy: *blushes*

Gray: What!!!!!!!!! How could you like a girl like lucy?!

Natsu: I never said I even like her in the first place!!!!!!! So why are getting all mad and jealous, over me not even saying I like her?!

Gray: I AM NOT GETTING MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy: Ya you are gray.

Gray: And I am most certainly not getting JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!

Happy: ya you are gray.

Lucy: ya gray even I can see that you are getting jealous and mad.

Natsu: yards gray you must rally like lucy. Cause you are getting jealous!

Gray: I am not getting jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you think is gray getting jealous or not?

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