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Three and a half; Taehyung Kim is three and a itsy bitsy half years old when he takes the first great fall of his life.

Sounds heroic, does it not?

After all it must have been quite a big deal for him, all that three years of crawling, tripping; crying when the calculation errors of a toy car's placement confused his little brain and his biggy toe got hurt by that evil- so very evil leg of her arm chair, her as in his aunt. Those endless mouthing around and mumbling every word she (as in his aunt) muttered, said and obviously screamed- mostly at him and at other people who got roped into Kim Taehyung and his seemingly innocent eyes.

Well, good lords in heaven give peace to their hearts- whoever ever thought that Kim Taehyung at three was everything that makes innocence.

It is a plain Jane situation....NOT that the Jane is or was ever plain, like it is a shitty racism on the JANES, who are as amazing and as badass like anyone named Joan or Jennifer...so no offence to JANES cause they be the definition of hot girl shit, okay? So... it is a mediocre as fuck Sunday morning when the baptism in bloodbath begins to take its place.

Taehyung Kim, aged- Three (and a half, remember?) is in his usual territory, playing too happily on his own by the patch of green that his aunt tends to dearly twice a day and thrice in summer, to relieve her stress that comes from working in a demanding corporate office and handling and caring for a kid with like zero personal experience.

Well it is a kind of a personal experience like when a person, a human being or an animal becomes a mom for the first time they legit have zero ' my own' experience shit to back them up.

But these Mami chulos are strong enough to learn and endure for the sake of their babies. Development & delivery then after a year or a half of wiping poo and glaring at smiling little devils who stuff whatever shit they find interesting inside their toothless mouth be it grass or mud or poo AND voila! They are all soldiers made 100 times stronger out of strength and love and hell they be sharing and helping other people to help them through too.

But Ms. Kim is not on that list officially. She is a fighter and mentor and a soldier too, loveable just like her father and late sister, strict just like her mother and brother... (in - law).

And babysitting be a gone game when she is in this side of the field.

So experience personal or impersonal in this course: zero, zilch, zip, nada, naught, nyet.

So three days of constant whining which sounded no better than an infant to Granny Kim and five useless prescriptions and endless nasty diaper parties-

Granny Kim finds her little girl with her legs hanging from the bed that is too big for two grown-ass humans or five big fluffy dogs, subdued snoring sounds in the soft lights of the room and tiny hands clutching around her not so big right hand while the left one supports the comfortable barricade made by a body-pillow caging a small body in a red black tiger onesie between her and the wall, a medium sized not so hairy soft head with a button for a nose, eyes shut and a slow gum gum smile in the happy warmth.

When Kim Taehyung falls on the warm, gravelly skin of their kindergarten playground, he is almost five; a sunny beautiful after-noon and a gifted age for remembering how his fall was without any proper anticipation, expectation and prompt.

Never mind though because his tiny butt can never have the understanding of the weight those words have in that age.

It is a plonky thud; a face first impact with the earth, not that Taehyung has never fallen on his face before, not that he has never hurt his perky nose from the fall, lips all cut up. Sometimes he had even ended up with his teeth muddy and tongue bitten.

And never once he has forgotten to laugh silly at his own clumsiness, a baby made of only skin and bones; a klutz by birth even before he knew what that meant. Taehyung Kim had been mostly laughing, small face scrunched in panting happiness, at the way he trips, in the style he loses his balance and dips, rolling on the dusty playground at the sight of Jimin's small eyes that turn as big as the almost setting Sun at his sudden fall and the way his own feet are slightly bigger than any of the kids his age.

So, Taehyung Kim's instant reaction while he has fallen or is falling is a winning laughter; big baby eyes scrunching, mole disappearing in the creases of his slightly slopey nose and buckteeth on absolute display: a box full of hearts and the freedom of childhood.

But it is different when it happens that day.







P.S: people who already read this one on ao3...idk what to do with ya'll other than to thank yo lovely selves...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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