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hajime iwaizumi was sitting on his bed watching a movie he's watched several times before. it was a movie he used to watch as a child, except it was different than when he was younger because instead of watching it alone, oikawa was there.

of course, oikawa wasnt paying attention, an animated movie about bugs wouldnt hold his attention for very long but instead was scrolling aimlessly through his phone with his head in iwaizumi's lap, occasionally lifting his phone to show him something he found interesting.

this was a normal evening for them, school was out and they were always together. ever since they were kids, it was oikawa and iwaizumi attached to the hip.

oikawa said they were going to conquer the world once and hajime believed him — he was stupid like that but like they say, love makes you do stupid and crazy things.

they were obviously avoiding that conversation, oikawa leaving for brazil, hoping they wouldn't have to discuss it ever. oikawa never had to say goodbye to his best friend and iwaizumi never thought he'd have to.

unfortunately time doesnt stop, and they were running out of it. oikawa's flight was in eight days and nine hours.

hajime looked down at his best friend, an expressionless look on his face as he studied oikawa. he never understood what was going on in his head, as much as he liked to think he knew his friend, he didnt. oikawa was mystery and hajime always thought he'd be the one to figure it out but he was going off in the world and leaving iwaizumi behind.

oikawa shifted and lifted his phone up, "iwa-chan look at this play! i'm watching the national team from last year play!" he exclaimed shoving the phone in iwaizumi's face.

"shittykawa i cant see the screen if keep shoving it in my face!" he retorted and leaned back against his bed frame to watch the play. he watched, but none of it was processing. his mind was elsewhere, he's felt distorted ever since oikawa told him he was leaving a mere month ago.

the sun was setting and iwaizumi could practically smell the tension radiating from oikawa. he knew something was up but didn't know if he wanted to find out.

"im going to be leaving" was all oikawa said after minutes of silence, the words cutting deep into iwaizumi's brain.

he always knew this moment would come, he never wanted to admit it, but he knew. he knew he'd have to let go at some point but he secretly hoped oikawa would drop everything for him. selfish selfish selfish.

iwaizumi didnt reply, oikawa knew he wouldnt but he wished he would say something, this once. iwaizumi just leaned back against the roof and continued watching the sunset, a distant look on his face. iwaizumi watched the sunset while oikawa watched him, reading him.

iwaizumi thought back to when they first got together their second year, oikawa asked him out and hajime couldnt say no. or when they went on their first date to this tacky restaurant iwaizumi found or to their first year anniversary where hajime took him to a planetarium. or when they were just a hands reach away from nationals and the days he stayed up blaming himself for losing and not being able to be enough to satisfy oikawa.

"hm" was all iwaizumi could muster after three minutes and that was the end to that conversation. after that, they acted like nothing was happening, like the clock wasnt ticking.

"—a-chan!" oikawa flicked his forehead making iwaizumi blink and glare at him.

"what do you want shittykawa?" he asked pushing him in return.

"i was tryingg to show you this other clip but you spaced out" he explained with his tint of dramatics he always had.

"i was thinking, i know thats hard for you to understand" he quickly shot back, trying to cover the fact that he was upset.

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