IX. Studio

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Darshan has been working in the studio since morning

God, this man pressurizes himself a lot!

I need to make him special today, it's been almost 2 weeks since he has not touched me and I am craving for his touch.

I need to make him special today, it's been almost 2 weeks since he has not touched me and I am craving for his touch

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I had already made some choco-lava cake for him.

Placing the choco lava cake and two glasses of Rhenish wine on the plate, I walked up to the studio.

I knocked and he yelled, "Come in!" and I came in

"Are you done, baby?" I asked politely

"Almost done!" he responded, his gaze fixed on the system's screen

Dude, he didn't even look at me!!!!!

I went forward and placed the plate in front of him on the desk, bending and taking enough care that my cleavage is at a full display to him

He inhaled my scent as his gaze fell on my cleavage

As his breath grew heavier due to the proximity, I winked teasingly at him

Moving to his back, I started massaging his shoulder and his muscle tightened

Slowly I ran my hand down to his chest and kissed the region behind his ear and he groaned as his hands started trembling from the keyboard

"I think I should take a break and have MY choco-lava cake!" he murmured turning his chair to face me. He winked as he pulled my hand with a jerk, making me fall on his lap. I blushed furiously as I understood the pun intended behind emphasising 'MY choco-lava cake'

"First complete your work..." My voice trailed as he placed a soft kiss on my neck

"Oh please, (Y/N)!... you haven't come here to lecture me about completing my work while wearing such a sinful pyjama!" Darshan mocked as he ran his fingers over my breast feeling my hardened nipples

"Leave me and complete your work fast! fast! .... then you can have the cake!" I gasped as I struggled to get off his lap

"Don't you want me to stop working, take off the top and suck at these super-hardened nipples, (Y/N)?" he asked looking straight into my eyes making me shiver

"Fuck!" I moaned as he pinched the nipples which were peeking out of my extremely thin satin top

I pushed him back and get off his lap while he made a face

"How much work is left?" I asked sternly

"15mins more work!" he answered

"Do it and then you can do whatever you want to do with me!" I said as I shuffled his hair and he gave me a big ass toothy grin

I went and sat on the couch, engrossed in dirty thoughts

Shit! I am already feeling wet just by thinking what's gonna happen in some time

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