☁️Who's that? [Idol!Mista x fem!reader] (fluff)

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A well-known idol group was going to be performing near your town soon. Well, well-known to others maybe. Sure you knew of them, but it's not like you were crazy over them. You still thought it would be a fun experience to go to a concert of theirs though, so you and your girl friends bought tickets and were counting down the days to the concert. 

Finally, the day of the concert arrived. You and your friends got ready together then headed to the location. Upon your arrival, you saw a bunch of people already waiting and getting ready. "Hey, y/n!" you heard your friend calling for you. "Over here!" You went over to where she was standing. "Wow! We'll get a great view from here," your eyes, practically glowing, looked up to the stage. This was your first ever concert, so you were pretty excited, no matter who was performing. 

After a few minutes, the lights went out and the stage lit up. The idol group emerged from the floor, waving at the audience. "Welcome~" you heard a voice through the speakers. You quickly pinpointed who was speaking. It was the main singer. He had a dark bob cut and wore an elegant white suit that fit him perfectly. He was incredibly handsome. You heard the crowd cry out in shrills. "Oh my gosh!" your friend screeched. "It's Bruno Bucciarati!" That's right! His name was Bruno Bucciarati. When you heard another voice, your eyes diverted to find its owner. "Hehe~ I hear you're all happy to see us~" The voice belonged to a slightly smaller looking male who wore a matching white shirt and some black techno wear pants; it was Ghirga Narancia, the main dancer. The crowd screamed again. "Well then, let's not keep them waiting~" A deep voice spoke smoothly. It was Leone Abbacchio, the lead rapper. He looked over at Bruno and smirked. His long black coat contrasting well with his white deep v-neck shirt. You wondered what kind of chemistry was between him and the lead singer. The crowd would not stop screaming when they saw this. "Hey now~" your eyes quickly searched for the new speaker. "We're just barely getting started, isn't that right, Giorno~" A man with a black beanie, white crop top, and black trainers was staring seductively into the audience. At his remark to his partner, he looked over at the blonde man. "That's right~" the blonde idol spoke but you couldn't take your eyes off of the man with the beanie. You elbowed your friend, "Hey, what's his name?" you motioned towards the idol. "Oh that?" your friend replied, "That's Guido Mista, he writes most of the songs!" Your friend yells so you can hear her over the crowd's screaming. 

The idols perform song after song and they look fantastic. Their voices are angelic and their dance moves crisp. All five of them were incredible, but you couldn't look away from Guido Mista.

On their second to last song, the idols were slightly glistening with sweat. Per usual, you were watching Mista when his eyes suddenly locked with yours. Your heart nearly skipped a beat. He noticed your cheeks flushing and winked at you. Your hands quickly flew up to your face to hide your red cheeks. The idol chuckled and continued dancing across the stage. 

Every now and then Mista made eye contact with you again. It could've just been your imagination, but he seemed to purposely only stay on the side of the stage where you were. It was inevitable; you developed a huge crush on him.

As the concert ended and people shuffled out of the auditorium, someone tapped your shoulder. "Excuse me, miss?" It was an unfamiliar voice and you turned around to see a bodyguard. "Oh, um, yes?" you were worried you had accidentally done something wrong. "Could you please follow me?" The bodyguard nudged his head over to the door that led backstage. By now, your friends were already long gone. They were still so psyched about the concert that they hadn't even noticed you were missing. You agreed to follow the bodyguard backstage. 

He led you down a long hallway filled with different outfits and people with headsets on. You looked around in amazement, but were still worried you had done something wrong. Why were you being excorted backstage? The bodyguard opened a door, whose nametag you couldn't read quickly enough, then shut it once you were inside. The room was so silent compared to the buzzing of the long hallway you were just led down. 

Suddenly, you noticed a man sitting in a chair in front of you, he hadn't turned around yet. "Um, excuse me-" you started but were cut off by the man, quickly turning around in his chair to look at you. "Oh you made it!" he had a bright smile on his face. And that smile belonged to none other than Guido Mista. Your cheeks immediately started burning. What was going on?! "Sorry if having a bodyguard escort you here scared you," the handsome man got up and walked toward you. You hadn't realized how tall he was compared to you. "Oh, um, I-" you couldn't form a complete sentence. The idol chuckled at your babbling. "You're even cuter up close~" he leaned closer to your face to get a better look. You felt the butterflies in your stomach having a dance party and your face felt like it was burning hotter than the sun. You didn't want Mista to see your red face so you quickly put your hands on your cheeks and looked away. 

"Oh, ahaha, sorry about that," the idol rubbed the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly. "You're probably wondering why you're here." You looked back at him, your eyes locking in with his. He stopped to stare into your e/c irises then cleared his throat. You could've sworn you saw his cheeks turn a dusty pink. "Well, um, the thing is... how do I say this?" he licked his lips and looked away. "I saw you in the crowd and I thought you were really cute... and, if it's okay with you, could we get to know each other better?" his eyes looked back into yours. Your jaw hung open in disbelief, but you quickly closed it. Was this really happening?! The idol you had a huge crush on thought you were cute!?! Mista patiently waited for your response. "Y-yeah! I would love that actually," you were so embarrassed to say this, but you couldn't stop talking. "I actually couldn't take my eyes off of you throughout the whole show." You let out an awkard little laugh, which he joined. "Ahaha, yeah," he leaned in close to your face again and gave you a beautifully crooked smile, "I noticed." 

You didn't know what to say, and even if you did, your body wouldn't let you say anything. All you could do was stare into his dark eyes.

"Wow," he broke the silence, "You really are cuter up close." He ran his fingers through your hair. "So um," his eyes shyly looked down to his hand playing with your hair. "Could I have your number?" He looked back into your eyes. "Please?" he smiled shyly. God you loved that smile. "Y-yeah," you spoke softly and nodded. He smiled brightly and leaned in to kiss your cheek. "Thank you~" Your cheek stung as it made contact with him.

He whipped out his phone and handed it to you to put your contact information in. As you did so, he spoke again. "I hope I'm not keeping you from your friends," he ran his fingers through your hair again. "No, don't worry," you assured him. "They already left." You handed his phone back to him. "Y/n..." he read your name from his phone screen. "That's a pretty name," he looked up and smiled at you. "But then again, not as pretty as you~" he grinned. You blushed hard and he chuckled. "Sorry I keep teasing you, but seeing you blush just..." he didn't know how to complete the sentence. "It just makes me feel some type of way." He looked back down at his phone and typed something. Suddenly your phone buzzed in your back pocket. You pulled it out and saw Mista had just sent you a text. 

'Since your friends already left, can I keep you for a bit longer?' he looked up at you, eagerly awaiting a response. You blushed hard again and quickly texted back.
'I'd like that' you looked at the idol, who was reading the message. A big smile spread across his face. 

"Great!" he cluched his free hand into a fist and pumped it into the air. "Y/n, I think this will be the start of something beautiful~" he leaned in closer to your face again, caressing your cheek with his thumb. "God, you're so beautiful," you felt his hot breath hit your face. It smelled of peppermint. "I wanna start seeing you, y/n," he didn't back away from you. "I would really like to get to know you better," he softly bit his bottom lip. You don't know why or how, but your hand slowly found its way up to his cheek. It rested there as you spoke. "I feel the same way, Mista," he blushed as you said his name and you couldn't help but let a cheeky smile form on your lips. "I like it when you blush too," you giggled and his soft chuckle joined in.

(1587 words)

I hope you all enjoyed this not-as-short-as-I-wanted-it-to-be story!

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