☁️💔[Bucciarati x reader] (fluff & angst)

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Bruno was leaning on his desk, his arms crossed, as he stared you down. You were seated in one of the two seats in front of him, covered in bandages.

"What did I tell you," Bucciarati spoke and although what he said was a question, he did not say it as though it were one. "I said this mission would be too dangerous and yet you practically begged me to go." It's not like you didn't know the mission would be dangerous, but you really wanted to do it because you needed the money. Your boss didn't know this.

On the mission, you were assigned to kidnap someone and hand them over to another Passione member. Kidnappings were always a bit tricky since you needed the victim alive. That's why they pay so well. This time, the person you needed to kidnap put on a big struggle. You ended up getting stabbed in the thigh and had multiple shallow knife wounds all over your body.

Bucciarati's expression soften as he kneeled down beside you. "Y/n," his voice was soft but sounded hurt. "You know how much I care about you..." he gently laid one of his hands onto one of yours. You were struggling to look him in the eyes. You found the fact that you did this mission just for the money quite embarrassing. "I knew I shouldn't have let you go," he continued. "This is all my fault. I'm so sorry, y/n." Your boss turned his head to the side and looked away. His expression was full of pain and regret now. "It's not your fault. I was the one begging you to let me take on that job," you tried comforting him. It was true: none of this was his fault. "But look at you," he raised his voice very slightly. "You've never been this injured before!" "Bucciarati," you did your best to sound calm. "That is also my fault. I was too sloppy."

"Why..." his grip on your hand tightened. "Why would you do that mission if you knew you wouldn't come out completely safe and sound?" His voice was now a mere whispere. 'Alright,' you thought to yourself. 'I can't hide this from him anymore.' "I did it because..." you paused a bit, getting ready for the embarrassment you were about to feel. "Because I needed the money." You looked away, chewing on your lower lip. "If you needed money you could've just asked me." Bruno looked up at you, his thin brows scrunching together. "I would be more than happy to help you out." "I know, I know," you looked at him again, your face red. "But I don't like borrowing money from people. I want to be able to take care of myself." 

Bruno lifted his other hand up to your cheek and locked eyes with you. "Could I still take care of you in all ways other than monetary?" You quickly looked down then back into his eyes and smiled shyly. "Of course you can," you finally answered. "I actually love it when you take care of me..." He smiled at you lovingly then stood up, dragging you up with him, and headed to his room. "What are you doing?" you asked as you followed him. "You'll see," he smiled as he shut his bedroom door.

You'd already been in his room multiple times before, but you still looked around. "Y/n, come on," the sound of Bucciarati's voice made you turn around and you saw him sitting on his bed, patting the spot next to him. "I know you like cuddles, and lately I haven't been able to give you any..." he trailed off as you made yourself comfortable next to him, resting your head on his chest. You listened to his heartbeat, which always gave you immense comfort. "Thank you," you said very softly, but you knew Bruno still heard you. He ran his slender fingers through your hair.

"Y/n," his smooth voice broke the silence and you could hear his heart rate rising. "I don't know if you feel the same, but for a while now I've been wanting to be more than friends with you." Your cheeks flushed and you looked up at him. "R-really?" you couldn't believe your ears. "I feel the same exact way!" Was this really happening?! You were over the moon. "So, could we make it official?" his ocean blue eyes stared into yours. "Y/n, would you like to go out with me? Will you let me be your boyfriend?" "Yes!" you exclaimed. "Yes! Yes, of course!" Once he heard your answer, Bruno sighed in relief and joy then gave you a gentle squeeze. "I'm so happy, y/n," he kissed the top of your head. "Thank you." You blushed and snuggled into his chest more. "I'm happy too, Bruno. Thank you."

(800 words)

I know this story makes like no sense at all, but the reason for that is cuz I wanted to write a fluff but then it ended up being kinda angsty. So I tried making if fluff but idk it didn't turn out so good ahaha

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