01 | lou miller

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Ocean's 8 (2018)
Song: Always Forever - Cults
Warnings: None
Word Count: 717

'This is how you pick a fucking lock.' Lou whispered, using a bobby-pin to break into a record store.
(—) stifled a chuckle, smiling at the blonde and secretly paying attention to how she was carefully and successfully picking the lock. And then Lou stood up from where she crouched and smiled, turning the door handle open and standing aside to keep it that way.
'Ladies first,' she joked, letting (—) walk through. And then she closed the door, turned her flashlight on, and scavenged through stacks of records.
(—) walked to a back section of records of jazz music, from Duke Ellington to Louis Armstrong. She marveled at the large collection, thin circular plates that could spin under a little pin and produce music so beautiful that one wouldn't mind bleeding out to it.
While flipping through it, (—) asked her partner in crime a question. 'What is with you and records?'
The woman stopped in her tracks. 'They're pretty, I guess.'
'Was that what you told yourself when you were about to pull of that Met Gala heist too?' (—) poked fun at Lou.
Lou Miller did not have the slightest idea of how to convey her emotions. Sometimes, though it consumed her entire being, she would keep her emotions to herself and then exploded once it overflowed. 'You know I have millions of dollars sitting on their asses in my bank account, and here I am, robbing a record shop with you.' She joked. 'Why are you doing this? You know I don't know how to deal with emotions.'
(—) rolled her eyes and pulled out one record. 'Try.'
Lou sighed and chose a Fleetwood Mac record. 'When we met, the only meaningful possession I had was my record collection. And then when you first started talking to me, you said you loved how I love records. So I kept buying—stealing—them and basically never stopped.'(—) put her hand over her heart and exaggerated her emotions. 'Aw, you're committing crimes for me!' She joked. But then she smiled at her partner. 'I fucking love-'
Red and blue lights started flooding the store, sirens filling their sentimental silence.
(—) looked at Lou, held her hand, and pulled her to a back exit. 'I got what I need.'
And so, with beautiful and hearty laughters shared between them, they ran in the direction of a nearby beach. (—) ran barefoot with the waves, moonlight reflecting on the waters and her eyes.
Under the starlight, the two played in the waves, not caring that the freezing curls of water threw hollow seashells their way. And in the vast space of stars and the moon's cratered surface, they felt happiest they've ever been.
But in the middle of the spontaneity, Lou looked at (—). 'What were you going to say in there?'
(—) took a short breath and stayed quiet in the sand. 'You don't need me to tell you, you ass.'
Under the moonlight and billions of stars, two silhouettes grew closer together until their warm breaths brushed on the other's cheek. And then they kissed. It was short, spontaneous, and yet it was the kind of thing that made them think of each other for the rest of time.
Lou wouldn't pull away, but when she did, she had her eyes closed, biting her lip with a grin on her face. She had traces of (—)'s face and soft hands in her mind, and she hadn't yet noticed that she had her hand entwined with (—)'s.
(—) smiled so long her cheeks began to hurt, and the kiss, the kiss she couldn't stop thinking about for days, it made her feel infinite. She had her eyes opened, admiring who she now thought was the sun in her sky, and she loved how Lou couldn't do anything but reel from it.
It was quiet for a short time before (—) asked, 'Did that answer your question?'
The response she received was a hug, and this, coming from Lou Miller, was a gift one could only receive once every thousand years.
The night was young, and they let it bleed into the morning without a care in the world.
So the night went on, and though there was no song truly heard by everyone else, a melody repeated itself in both their heads. 'You and me, always forever...'

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