A Wild Gible Appears

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It was early in the morning, Omega was eating breakfast while watching tv.

Looks like she's entertained, Echo said as he helped Tech fix the ship.

Yeah, she is, Hunter said as he cleaned his vibro knife.

Guys, there's a creature on the ship, Wrecker said as he entered the cockpit.

Really, what is it?, Hunter said confusedly.

I don't know, it looks like a land shark, Wrecker said as he pointed to the creature.

What is that?, Hunter said confusedly.

I believe that is called Gible, it's a Pokémon, Tech said as he and Echo finished fixing the ship.

How did it get here?, Hunter said confusedly.

I don't know, Wrecker said as he watched the land shark Pokémon run around the ship.

There's a poke ball on the ground, Hunter said as he watched Gible eat.

I believe that Gible wants you to catch him, Tech said as he put a hand on his shoulder.

Ok, go poke ball, Hunter said as he threw it at Gible.

After a while, Gible was caught.

Woah, I didn't expect the day to start with this, Hunter said as he picked up the poke ball.

Me neither, Gible surprised me, Wrecker said as he sat next to Echo.

What does it evolve into?, Echo said confusedly.

I believe it evolves into Garchomp, Tech said as he showed everyone the Pokédex.

That's incredible, Omega said happily.

Yeah, and Gible almost bit my foot, Wrecker said as he sat next to Hunter.

It's called the land shark Pokémon Wrecker, Echo said as he finished repairing the ship.

Oh, I must've missed that part, Wrecker said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Gible, the land shark Pokémon said as he emerged from his poke ball.

Aww, it's adorable, Omega said happily.

Yeah, he is, Hunter said happily.

We should figure out where Gible came from, Wrecker said as he told the rest of the Bad Batch.

Alright, Tech, try to locate where Gible came from, Hunter said as he sat in the co-pilot chair.

I'm on it, Tech said as he looked at the Pokédex.

Gible, the land shark Pokémon said as he sat in Hunter's lap.

Don't worry Gible, we'll find out where you came from, Hunter said as he petted the land shark Pokémon.

I found the location, Tech said as he told Hunter.

What's the name of the location?, Hunter said as he put Gible on his shoulder.

It's called the Alola Region, Tech said as he showed Hunter.

Alright, set a course for the Alola Region, Hunter said as he put a hand on Tech's shoulder.

I'm on it, Tech said as he put the ship into hyperspace.

After catching a Gible, Hunter and the rest of Clone force 99 are on their way to the Alola Region.

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