chapter one

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... ame)... (Nam... A soft, older female voice slowly entered your ears, causing you to stir slightly and open your eyes.

Where...where am I? You questioned aloud, looking around. All around you was a deep blackness, so thick, undisturbed, silent. It didn't seem to allow any noise to pass through the air at all. Your voice didn't even reach your own ears, causing you to doubt you had said anything at all.

...( The voice had grown a bit louder. did I get here...? You wondered.
Hello?! You called out in worry. Anyone?! ...Anyone at all?  You felt your hope diminish when you got no response. You turned around in disappointment, only to see a black suit merging with the darkness. The only way you could tell someone was there was because of the white dress shirt and red tie, standing out against the background like a police siren in a dark street.

(Name)... A note of irritation had seeped into the voice.

Who are you? You questioned, tilting your head. No response.

Can you help me? There was no response aside from a sickening wet noise. A cold tentacle suddenly wrapped around your waist. 

Wait... what are you doing! A loud noise, like ripping tinfoil, echoed through your mind as you were lifted face to face with the being that held you tightly in its grip. You could feel your heart drop when you didn't see a face where it was supposed to be.

Get away! Put me down! Help!

(Name)....! The voice sounded angry now.

Stay away from me! The being suddenly split its face in half, causing the same noise you heard from before. You trembled slightly, only to be brought closer to the gaping hole. A mouth, it hit you. That hole, was its mouth! No! No--!!


"(NAME)!" The same female voice from your dream echoed in your mind, accompanied by pain. Your eyelids flew back, allowing you to catch a glance at the world around you (it was blurry, but still something).

Your (Eye/Color) orbs were wide with shock; your small (Skin/Tone) hand went to your now-red cheek, legs sprawled across your messy bed. You looked up at the woman standing above you, large eyes staring into her cold (Mother's Eye Color) ones.

"Y-you hit me..." You muttered in a hurt voice that was still hoarse from sleep.

Your mother rolled her eyes, her (Hair/Color) hair messily lying in a bun atop her head. "Of course I did. I called you ten times and you wouldn't get up." She stated with hands on her hips, apron covered with a few stains (from breakfast, no doubt).

You could feel a surge of anger rise up within you, which was quite common when she spoke to you like this. No one should treat their own child this way! But the match was quickly extinguished as you felt your common sense overtake it. "Sorry."

"'Sorry', won't get the chores done young lady. Now get your lazy ass up, get dressed, and run downstairs right now! You're going to be in big trouble if you're not there in five minutes," she snapped before leaving your bedroom, slamming the door to leave a reminder of her presence in the small space.


You closed your eyes as you shook your head, scattering the memories from your early childhood to the far corners of your mind. You continued scrubbing the dishes with the scalding-hot water before putting them on a dish rack to dry. Your (h/c) hair was tied back in a loose ponytail, still full of tangles from the day's work and stress.

You reached your red hand over to the tap and twisted it, the last of the water going down the drain of your now-empty sink with a gurgle. You snatched a rag off of the stove, drying your hands with it before wiping the sweat off of your forehead with it.

Sighing with satisfaction, you placed the rag down and put your hand behind your back, bending it until a small pop was heard and a release spread throughout the entire said area. You smiled with closed eyes and lifted your hands above your head, breathing in deeply while stretching.

Feeling relaxed, you headed over to your bedroom, and closed the door shut behind you with a foot. The plain room greeted you with its white walls and full-sized bed with white sheets and dark red blanket and pillows and large window with drab dark red curtains...

You let out a hurried puff of air, before slipping off your black tennis shoes and changing into a pair of comfortable pajama pants and a black tanktop. You snuggled deep under the covers of your bed, closing your eyes. You allowed your mind wander to different things, and soon enough, you were engulfed by blackness.

Woo! First chappie, done! Sorry the Creepypasta weren't in this one c: Imma just tick y'all off and give a spoiler alert. They are coming for the later chapters. Haha.....Wait. *falls silent* *loud roar in the distance* Da fudge is that? ... Σ(゜゜) Uhrmmmmm..
AGHHHH!!!!! *runs away screaming from angry fangirls wielding pitchforks and torches* (>口<-)
America:  This is scarier than a horror movie. ∑(O_O)
France: Honhonhon~. True~.
Russia: *smiles childishly and laughs*
Italy: Doitsu Doitsu! Can I help chase her?
Germany: .....
Me: *runs toward them while screaming* THE FANGIRLS ARE COMING THE FANGIRLS ARE COMING!!!!! *runs past them and hides in hole*
America: ...That sounds oddly familiar...
All: *look at eachother* *runs*
England: *is hiding* *whispers* We just wanted to thank you for reading. Comment down below with feedback and escape routes-
Fangirls: *giggle madly and grab England*
Fangirls: *drag him away to make some...lemonade.* (XDDD England: NOOOOO!)

...Yeah. I'm weird. C:
See y'all l8r! Byeeeee~.

Hope you all have a nice day!

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