Chapter 5

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We walked in silence for about 15 minutes, before I finally found the courage to ask this strange creature something: "So...why'd you save me". The creature seemed startled, but nevertheless quickly responded with another question, which was "Aren't you going to ask me who I am?". Their voice had a very confused ring to it.
"Well, who you are or what you do, doesn't interest me half as much as the reason for which you would stop your routine to save a stranger you've never met" I responded to his question.
The expression of the creature let me know that I caught them off guard with my statement.
Soon enough though, their facial features softened, and they answered my initial question with: "Everybody is worth saving". "You can't save someone who's already dead" I replied to their answer. "You see..." the creature began his sentence "...the only type of dead on this planet, that can be brought back alive, is 'dead on the inside'. There's no such thing as not being able to help somebody get better, if you put your mind to it, that's why I saved you. I saved you because I know you deserve to understand, that everybody deserves saving, and that there's no such thing as a person that can't be saved. Well, that's one of the reasons at least", the creature spoke while shyly rubbing the back of their head.
Time was passing, and we continued to talk and walk with one another for the next hour.
The more time I spent with this creature, the odder things became for me, not because the creature was acting strange, but because of the way they were acting so human-like.
Based on what this creature told me, to put it simply, they were an embodiment of music. As I believed myself, this creature called 'Music', was indeed nothing more than an emotion. It took different forms and shapes based on the person that they were with. Based on that person's conception of music. Long story short, this creature currently walking to my right over here, was my embodiment of music. Kind of like, what I would've pictured music to be, if it was human.
Some other things I found out about, well...'Music' is that it can sense every time somebody listening to it (to music) is in pain. There are obviously people that feel pain from time to time, and then they listen to music and become all better, but apparently ''Music' has the job of spotting the people that are constantly feeling down, and helping them. I've been analyzed by 'Music' for quite some time even before being depressed. 'Music' found an interest in people like me, who studied a lot of instruments and had a love for music so big, that it could be considered like a fire which will never burn out. Until now, 'Music' has saved over 10.000 people, but it refused to say the amount of people it tried to help and failed. "Everybody deserves saving, but you can't save a person that doesn't want to be saved" it stated sadly when I asked about the people it failed to rescue. "I give my all to help everybody learn the same thing, which will help them love themselves, but the rest, is up to them". It continued after sighing. After that none of us talked for a while, we just walked. Never would I have thought that the silence would be nice.

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