Unusual siblings? 🔞

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You were getting ready to go to your new school. Both of your brothers called you from the living room downstairs.

Jimin & Jungkook: Y/N!! Come down we need to talk!!

Y/n: Coming! *You said while going down the stairs*

: We're going to a new school, so you have to make it seem like you and me or jungkook and you aren't siblings.

Y/n: Why?

Jungkook: Well, you know how most kids at the old school told us it's strange how you are our siblings. So we just want to keep things simple.

Y/n: Oh ok *You said while looking down*

Jimin: Don't worry Y/n we'll still be at your side.

Y/n: Okay!

Jimin: Oh and one more thing

Y/n: hm?

Jimin: You look pretty today!

Y/n: Huh? oh um th-thanks (I guess)

You all went to school and took your classes.

Time skip: At lunch


I made a friend named Rose. While we were walking in the hallway, we heard girls whispering and shouting names and other things.

Girl #1:
OMG! They're soo CUTE!!

Girl#2: I Wonder if they are Taken or Single!!?


Girl #4: JIMIN OPPA!!!

Y/n: J-Jimin, J-Jungkook!!?

Rose: Y/n Is there something wrong??

Y/n: Umm n-no I just Thought nevermind I forgot

Rose: Oh okay!

Y/n: Do they have siblings?

Rose: No I don't think so.

Y/n: Oh ok

At least it isn't too noticable that I'm a sibling.

: Do you have any siblings?

Y/n: N-No I don't

Rose: Ok!

Jimin started walking towards me he whispered something in my ear.

: Meet me outside with Jungkook after school

I nodded.

Everyone (exept for you and JM & JK): *Gasps* DID JIMIN JUST TALK TO THAT GIRL!!?


Girl #2: Seems like it.

Girl #3: But why would he date a b!tch?

Rose: First of all she isn't a b!tch second of all keep your mouth shut, will you!!

Y/n: Rose come let's go.

We all went to class.

Time skip: After school

I went outside and saw Jimin and Jungkook waiting.

Jimin ONESHOTS completed | Jimin x reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now