October 1, 2008
Dear Grandpa,
It has been three years since you passed away. I am sure you saw it, but if you didn't, Grandma died. It has been two years since she died. I guess she couldn't live with-out you. About a year after her death, our family started fighting. Aunt Maggie and Aunt Starla both took a side together. Mom and Uncle Sam took their own side. Mom claims that the only reason Aunt Starla took Aunt Maggie's side is because Maggie is the oldest. Mom also said that Maggie is somewhat controlling.
I don't know Aunt Maggie that well, so I can't really agree or disagree with that. But cousin Kay talks about her a lot. She says that Maggie some times talks mean to Starla. Kay says that her mom, Starla, sometimes cries and wishes you guys were still here.
I don't blame her. It some times seems that it might be true. I hear Mom cry too, some times.
Well that's all for now!
October 3, 2008
Dear Grandpa,
Our situation has gotten some what worse, at least in my eyes. Uncle Sam has gone and left Mom's team!
I heard Mom talking to Dad about how she is very mad at Sam. I am kind of mad at him too. I mean why would he do that to her? Why would he leave her to fight alone?
October 4, 2008
Dear Grandpa,
I realized that in my last two entries I didn't explain our situation very clearly. So here is what happened.
A year after Grandma died, Mom and Sam, and Maggie and Starla started fighting over what they got of you and Grandma's belongings.
Mom really wanted Grandma's wedding ring. Aunt Maggie also wanted that ring. Mom fought and fought for that ring. It took almost a whole year before Aunt Maggie finally gave up.
Mom said that when she dies, since I am the oldest of her children, I will get Grandma's ring. I am very excited.
I promised her that when I did get it, I would not sell it for money or trade it for anything. She told me that I better not.
So ever since Maggie didn't get that ring, our family has been fighting. I guess that is when it started. I am not one hundred percent sure.
December 22, 2008
Dear Grandpa,
I am sorry for not writing in so long. I had lost my diary. And I have been very busy at work.
So over the past couple of months, Kay and I have been trying to convince our Mom's to invite each other to Christmas Dinner. And guess what, it is working!
Yesterday, Mom called Starla and asked if she wanted to come over for Christmas Eve and have dinner. Starla said that she was just going to ask the same thing and said yes!
Kay and I are very, very excited! We plan on trying to convince our mom's to invite each other to other family holidays. Hopefully it will work. Wish me luck! Oh and it may be a while until my next entry. So until then,
Febuary 17, 2009
Dear Grandpa,
I am very sad today. It has officially been 4 years since you died. I miss you very dearly.
I wish you were still here.
But on the brighter side of things, Kay and my plan is working/worked. Mom and Starla are starting to talk again. I am very happy for them.
Next to work on is Maggie! Wish me luck Grandpa!