* You don't stop laughing cause you
grow older
You grow older cause you stop
laughing.* Having LIPS & not using them to smile
is like having million dollars in bank
& forgetting account number.
* If someone doesn't appreciate your
Make them appreciate your
* Only those who care about you
Can hear you when you are QUIET.
* I'm not crazy
I prefer the term
MENTALLY HILARIOUS.* I'm connected to you no matter
where you are..
* Worrying is a waste of time.
It doesn't change anything.
It just messes with your mind
& steals happiness.
* Friends are supposed to make you feel
gud abt yourself.
* Why waste your time getting hurt by
When there is someone else out there
waiting to make you smile.

RandomIt's all about thoughts.. Motivational.. Part of our daily life. Hope you like it.