Just thoughts...

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*   You don't stop laughing cause you
                         grow older
      You grow older cause you stop

*    Having LIPS & not using them to smile
        is like having million dollars in bank
        & forgetting account number.

*   If someone doesn't appreciate your
      Make them appreciate your

*      Only those who care about you
           Can hear you when you are QUIET.

*      I'm not crazy
        I prefer the term

*     I'm connected to you no matter
                     where you are..

*      Worrying is a waste of time.
         It doesn't change anything.
        It just messes with your mind
            & steals happiness.

*      Friends are supposed to make you feel
              gud abt yourself.

*     Why waste your time getting hurt by
       When there is someone else out  there
                waiting to make you smile.

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