Chapter 40

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A/N: okay, this is just for my beautiful black women reading who might've felt offended in the last chapter. someone commented and made me realize that I made it seem like I stereotyped you guys by making Natasha seem like another "angry black woman". I promise you, from the bottom of my damn heart, that was seriously not my intention. I am planning on making Natasha her own book way off in the future when I have more experience writing, which is the reason I didn't put POC's as the characters in the first place, because I don't feel like I'm experienced enough.

Obviously, I'm definitely not experienced enough when someone took it the wrong way, my fault, their feelings are completely valid and understandable. I didn't make Natasha angry, I wanted her to come off as defensive. She is that way for a reason, because of her past which only I know about so it's obviously reasonable that someone took that as me stereotyping because they just didn't know and I don't blame them, because you guys have been through a lot.

Just please believe me when I say I respect you all, I was raised to respect everybody, no matter their colour, no matter the way they act, respect is a big thing to me and the second someone feels disrespected, I need to clear my name because I'm not that type of person. In no way, shape or form do I want to make someone feel so low, feel so degraded and not in a good way. So I apologize sincerely if anyone felt the same as that person, which is why I'm addressing it. Message me if you feel that way, I want to apologize personally to you and make sure you know how much love I've got for all of you, I promise I will do anything to make this right, thank you.


We stopped back at Harry's shop first, about to give him the cars when he told us to keep them. "If you need anything fixed, it's free." He said, we thanked him and Callum told him to keep the car we brought, we didn't need it.

Kara and Jordan headed home while I drove us to a gas station. Callum went in and grabbed us a few cases of beers, hopped back in the car and we continued our way home. I was about to just walk inside when he grabbed my wrist.

"Come on," He said, leading me to the back of the house. He hoisted me onto a random balcony and followed me up, his hoodie hiking up to reveal his v-line when he held onto the railing. I looked away and towards the roof, gasping when he picked me up again and placed me on a ladder placed on the side of the balcony that reached all the way up.

He took the beer from me and stayed right below me as I climbed up, taking it back from him so he could get up easier. When I turned around, the view took my breath away. The sun was fully set now, leaving the sky dark and the view of the city clear, all the lights lit up.

"Wow." I sighed, sitting down.

"Yeah, I used to come up here when my parents were having parties or some random shit." He said, sitting beside me and handing me a can. We cracked them open, tapping the cans together before taking in a few gulps. The liquid burned as I gulped it down in one, shaking my head to rid my eyes of the blurriness when I finished.

We were three beers in, the wind blowing through my hair as I sighed. "Callum?"


"Just tell me." I looked at him, "What's going on?"

He opened another can and took that down with ease, letting out a burp before hesitating, opening and closing his mouth like he didn't know how to start.

"Pretend I'm not your girlfriend. Act like I'm another guy friend that you're ranting to." I shrugged, getting myself in that mental state so I wouldn't freak out. I turned my body to face him, crossing my legs with the beer can numbing my hands, keeping my mind busy as I waited for him to speak.

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