Oneshot lul

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"Y/N its a club, You aren't gonna find the love of your life there." Your frenemy Ashley is running her stupid mouth again as you ride shotgun on the way to a party."Gurllll calm down" The girl sitting next to you (Her name is Jessica), chimes in to defend you "Maybe it'll happen lol." Ashley giggles "I'm just saying all yall be getting is a one-night stand at best, drugged and kidnapped at worst." You roll your eyes "Come on! I heard farmer smurf will be there, she wouldn't let anything happen to me!" You retort. Ashley argues back "Y/N you gotta stop living in your fantasies, farmer barley knows you, what makes you think she'll protect you or, even more unlikely, fuck you?" You throw your arms up in exasperation "I DON'T KNOW!! God why can't you let me be Ashley!?" Theres a hint of venom in your voice even though you don't intend it. Jessica is clearly becoming annoyed with your bickering  "Can you guys just stop it?" You and Ashley groan "Fineee" You gaze out the window towards the starry sky and your mind begins to wander. Of course Jessica and Ashley don't think you'll end up with farmer smurf, but what they don't know is that Farmer invited you to this party personally. She totally wants to fuck and your gonna let her penetrate all your holes! The car pulls over and jerks you out of your thoughts. Jessica honks the horn "Alright ladies its time to PARTYYY!" Ashley stops pouting and visibly perks up "HELLS TO THE YAHH GURLS!" you swing your door open and step out in the the cold, crisp air. You look around to see a large building with neon lights and pop music blasting, Jessica grabs you by the hand "C'mon Y/N don't just stand there, lets go!!" She drags you to the entrance and bursts through the door. Madison, Jessica's girlfriend, is there to greet her. "Jessica! Babe there you are!" She pulls Jessica into a hug and kisses her cheek "You took forever!" They clearly don't care that you're here. So you wander over to the counter and order a couple of shots, Ashley joins you a couple minutes later. You raise one eyebrow "What are you doing here? Though you'd be hanging with Jess." She laughs "Well, yeah but she wouldn't stop being all mushy with her girlfriend. Ya can't get a word in with those two." You throw a shot back and sink into your chair. Ashley giggles at you "Don't get too drunk!" You roll your eyes "I don't plan on it " 

As the party rages on your finding this alot less fun than you thought it would be, sure the drinks are nice but it definitely feels like somethings missing, that is until you see a familiar face in the crowd. Farmer smurf... you can't miss her big titties and beautiful blue skin, her iconic green overalls which is stretching from her massive boobas and her straw hat covers one eye. You become instantly wet at the sight of her and without really thinking you wander over to her, making your way through the crowds of people to greet her. You attempt to hide your nosebleed "Uh, h-hi Farmer!" your blush becomes even more intense and farmer notices and easily takes control of the situation. "Heya Y/N," she smirks and then adds "I knew you'd show up." God thats hot. "Yeah-h you know me, can't miss a good party!" "Really? Because last time I remember you just HATED them..." She pins you agaisnt a wall and licks her lips "Is there perhaps another reason you're here?" You can't help but look down to her clevage and she quickly takes notice. "See something you like, baby? You wimper, this wasn't going as planned but.. FUCK.. you were enjoying this. You open your mouth to say something but farmer places one of her fingers on your lip to shut you up. "Actions speak louder than words baby.." God you're such a bottom, out of the corner of your eye you see Ashley filming you, trying her best not to laugh. You give her a scowl but farmer grabs you by the chin and turns your head towards her again. "Hey! Eyes on me when I'm talking to ya!" Farmer leans closer towards you. "Oooh~ Looks like someones a little.." Her eyes glance down to your boner and then back towards you. "excited.. shall we say?" You can't help it anymore and you let out a moan. Farmer giggles "oh baby the REAL stuff hasn't even begun yet" She smiles mischievously and then grabs you by the hand. She leads you towards the club bathrooms. This party is going diffrently than expected.

Farmer drags you in the stall and locks the door. Oh god is this really happening? Farmer then begins to unbutton her overalls revealing more and more of her magnificent body... her bouncy blue mommy milkers, her fat thighs and her juicy pussy. Your nose is bleeding and you're blushing more than you ever thought possible. Fuck, she's just so damn hot... Farmer looks at you weirdly "Y'know ya gotta get naked too, right?" "O-oh yeah of course..!!" You begin to take off your moist sweater, you're nervous but.. you have to do this... for Farmer! Farmer scans your body up and down. "You're so sexy bby~" She leans in and kisses you on the lips, its sloppy and wet and oh god her thighs are rubbing agaisnt yours.. you just want to stay in that moment forever. Your tounges intertwine as farmer looks at you with lust in her bright green eyes. Farmer slowly backs away and then put a hand on your shoulder. "Now, lets get down and dirty you fucking slut." Farmer gets on her knees and begins to lick your pussy, you wimper from the pure pleasure. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle." Farmer continues to go in, her tounge is wet with the spit from the kiss you shared moments before and that makes it even more arousing. It makes its way up your Uretha, you shiver and try your best not to pee but a few drops get out anyways..  Farmer doesn't seem to mind though, she almost looks like she enjoys it. She then brings her attention to your clit and begins to play with it like a cat toy. You moan and begin to cum, Farmer notices this and goes in even harder. Her tounge is going in and out and in and out of your vagina and she swallows the cum that comes with every lick. The thought of YOUR cum inside FARMERS throat makes you pushes you even more over the edge, just when your on the verge of a climax she stops. God damn it, she knows just how to get you. "F-fuck y-y-you" Farmer grins and pulls out a six inch strap. "How 'bout we try this on for a change?" She straps it on. "Bend over." You obey and before you know she has plunged her dick into your anus. Oooohhhhh~ It goes in and out in and out, she's not gentle anymore. You start uncontrollably whining and you're sweating like a goddamn pig, Farmer doesn't halt at the sounds, instead she goes even harder and turns on the vibrator. It's all too much, you become overstimulated and the next moments are a blur, just pure, overwhelming feelings of pleasure and pain. Finally, after what seemed to you like hours Farmer pulls out, but she's not done yet, Farmer plunges the dildo into your mouth. You begin to suck on it as if it was instinct, it's wet and tastes like shit from your ass juices, but you don't care. You wrap your tounge around it and feel so calm, then without warning Farmer thrusts it deeper, all the way into your throat. And you begin to choke, is farmer trying to kill you? If so that's pretty hot, choking on a dick is a good way to die. She then squeezes the dildo and something that tastes like cum starts gushing into your throat. "Swallow, and I'll take it out, whore." You obey, swallowing the cum-like substance with the little strengh you have left. The cock is removed from your throat and everything sets in at once. Moaning, groaning and whimpering you lie on the floor a sweaty, blushing mess as cum spills from your nether reigons. Farmer, looking satified with her work bends down to kiss you once more. God this was the best night of your life. Her blue fingers stroke your hair and she whispers into your ear; "If you ever need someone to fuck you up again... call me." Farmer hands you a small peice of paper with her number on it. '420-6969-SexySmurf ' 


ok so this was my first time writing porn OwO !!!  it was really fun to write and i feel no shame >:3 shoutout to my friend who requested the dildo get added in ^w^ !! hoping to write more like this in the future ;3

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