Chapter 15 - Severus's Birthday Part II

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Using Severus's invisibility cloak to travel undetected, Severus and Lily eventually found an officiant in a nondescript section of London.

Standing there in front of each other holding hands in the officiant's office, Severus and Lily locked gazes as they took their vows.

There was no pomp or splendor to their simple, impromptu wedding.

They didn't even have gold bands to exchange, but to Severus and Lily, that wasn't important.

"And so then, do you, Severus Snape, take this woman to be your wife, to love and cherish always, til death do you part?" The officiant asked Severus.

"I do." Severus replied, his voice fiercely serious as he pledged himself to Lily.

The officiant nodded and turned to Lily, "And do you, Lily Evans, take this man to be your husband, to love and cherish always, til death do you part?"

"Yes! I do." Lily happily declared, flashing one of her brightest smiles at Severus.

Lily's expression was so beautiful that Severus forgot himself and dared to smile back at Lily in return.

Severus Snape's smile, that was a rare sight, indeed.

"Very good, very good. Alright, you two, I now pronounce you man and wife. Mr. Snape, you may kiss your bride." The officiant concluded.

Standing there in the stuffy office, in front of the officiant and his secretary, who had stepped in to serve as a witness, was hardly romantic but Severus and Lily made the best of it.

Severus leaned forward and shyly pressed a kiss to Lily's lips before he pulled away.

Lily looked very happy.

Severus gazed at her with a burning intensity.

Severus was beyond elated, but he knew he couldn't allow himself to be hypnotized by his own emotions.

Though the occasion was truly joyous, Severus did not drop his guard.

As soon as the officiant finished filling out the paperwork that declared Severus and Lily legally married, Severus slipped his wand into his hand and hid it under his long sleeve as he whispered softly, "Obliviate!"

A bright burst of light flew from Severus's wand tip and hit the officiant and the secretary squarely in the chest.

Lily blinked as Severus grabbed her hand and hastily apparated away with her while he clutched their marriage license.

After Severus and Lily had gone, the officiant looked around in confusion and his secretary rubbed her eyes.

"Why are you in my office? Did you need something?" The officiant asked his secretary.

"No, sir..... Uh.....I'm not sure why I'm here...Or when I came in......" The secretary frowned, her brow knitting together in confusion.

Neither the officiant nor the secretary had any memory of Severus's and Lily's marriage.

Severus had known that for everyone's safety, it was best that they didn't.


Severus took Lily back to his living chambers at Hogwarts.

Lily laughed and threw her arms around Severus's neck.

Severus smirked down at Lily triumphantly and he gladly accepted the kiss that she gave him, which was much deeper and slower, since they were finally alone.

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