Chapter 36

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Emaan POV
"...will you be my girlfriend" I heard nash say. Am I hearing him clearly.

"Wait.. Did I hear you say y-"

"That if you want to be my girlfriend?"

I jumped on him and hugged him tight.

"YES!" I screamed.
I was still hanging in to him, once I got off .
Nash pulled me in for a kiss.

I couldn't even explain how the kiss was, it was just amazing.

"Wow" nash said while smiling.

"That.. Was"

"Amazing?" He said.
I nodded.
Ayesha POV
Something is going on with Matt, I don't know what but I've gotta find out.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Uh nothing im um fine how r u?" He was a little nervous. He looked guilty.

"I'm ok" I knew something was wrong so I just walked away.

I went over to Dillion to ask him what was going on.

"Hey, do you know what's wrong with matt?"

"Um no I don't"

"Alright" I said before walking away.
Dillion POV
I hate lying, especially to ayesha. God why couldn't I just tell her.
I'll have to figure out a way to tell her before anything else goes wrong.
I ran over to her room and knocked on the door.

"Hey" she said.

"Matt is playing with you, all of this love business is fake. It was all a bet." I finally said.

"W-what?" She look like she was about to cry. I ill end her into a hug.

"Don't worry I'm here for you I won't let that jerk mess with you ever again, and I mean it." I told her.
We went in her room and sat down in her bed.
She was crying a lot, she still looked beautiful.

"Do you wanna watch some tv?" I asked her.

"Sure" she said while Wiping the last tears she had left on her face.

I went over to the TV and switched it on.
We started to watch Teen Wolf since she likes it and so do I.

Soon I saw Ayesha fall asleep.
I tucked her in her blacket.

"Night beautiful" I said after kissing her forehead.
I then left her room.

Aydah POV
It was getting pretty late.
"I'm going to bed night" I told xeina before switching the TV of.
"Night" she said. I went to my room and went straight to bed.

Xeina POV
I was left there alone. Everyone else was asleep.
Eh, I'll just go to the guys I thought.
I got up and went to the door, I walked out of my room and went to the boys.
"Are any of you awake?" I asked the guys.

"I am" I heard taylor say.

"I can't sleep, so you kind if i chills round here for a bit" I asked him.

"Sure" after getting up. I went over to him and sat on his bed.

I went on my laptop, me and Taylor watched videos together. Really funny ones.

"Can you guys keep it down!" Nash said. I grabbed my pillow and through it at him.

"It's On"

All the guys and I were having pillow fights, it's quite funny because of how it all started.

We all got tired and soon sat back down. Most of them went of to bed leaving me, Aaron and Gilinsky awake.

"Ya I'm off to bed, night guys" I said.

"Same here" aaron said right after me. Before I could get up Jack pulled me back down.

"Can you stay here? And sleep next to me?" He asked, I nodded and jumped to the other side of the bed.

I payed down and cuddled up to Jacks bare chest SO HAWT.
I could feel his heart beat it was quite amazing ~so cheesy.

My eyes felt much more heavier by the minute.
I soon fell into a deep sleep....

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Besides that I've got nothing else to say.
BYE! 😃

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