Chapter 2:Sensha do and meeting Yukari

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'C'mon guys,it's time for Tankery!"Riko yells out,as the whole club rushes to the main hall for the introduction to their new Tankery system,including you.You go to the hall and find a seat.Then the fluffy haired girl finds a seat next to you.She looks around and spots you,causing her to begin to shift uncomfortably,as it's her first time being so close to a boy."H-hi,I'm Y-yuka-ari""You sense the fear in her voice."Hey,I'm Shayn,sorry for bumping into you earlier...""T-that's alright"She replies.Then,you finally ask her,"Hey,are you into tanks too?""Y-Yeah!I've always loved tanks,especially The 7TP!""wow,you sure do know a lot about tanks!"You reply."O-oh,uh,yeah..."You see the excitement in her eyes as she continues to go on about her favourite tanks."so wat's yours?"Yukari suddenly asks"what's my what'You suddenly snap out of your dreamy look on your face,after listening to Yukari talk about tanks,and the excitement in her eyes.You realize,you kinda like her....."I'm asking you,what's your favourite tank?"'U-uh,the Panzer 4,though I also kinda like the M41!""O-oh really,we-e have one o the team too.""Oh wow,I'm defineitely gonna choose that then!"You enthusiasticlly reply.'O-oh,Really?"Yukari stutters as she asks."Yeah why?"You ask quizically."I-i'm the loader for the Panzer 4,and,I'll still be!"'well we've got some fun prepared for us this term!"

Just then the student council steps onto the stage."The Sensha-do tryouts are today!Top 8 make it to the team.But first,Here's a video explaining the rules!"The video get played on cue,and the student council walks off the stage.The Person doing the voiceover Starts talking about the rules,then starts to talk about the match styles.After 20 minutes of video,The 3000 or so people in the room get up and leave for the Garage.There,everyone chooses their tanks.You sigh dissapointed at the lack of American armour,but go decide to go for the Panzer 4,Along with a girl with long Brown hair called Miho,A girl with long black hair named hana,and a girl with Curly hair called Saori.Yukari also joins them and blushes at the sight of you.Saori Quizically asks,"Yukari,why are you blushing?"Then realizes she's blushing at you.'Erwin pops up and asks:"Heyyyyy Yukari,you kinda like Shayn huh?"Yukari blushes an even brigher shade of red and says,"N-no,I-i-""Stop trying to hide it!"Erwin cuts of Yukari.You don't deny,You do kinda like her.

Then the crew get into the tank.Miho takes up the commander's position,Saori becomes the radio operator,and yukari becomes the loader and hana becomes the driver.You take up the gunner position,Mainly because Hana,who was the gunner,is now the driver.Yukari blushes as she sees you've taken up the gunner position.

The crew roll out into the Forest behind the School,Preparing the mock battle that was to act as the demonstaration for the New crews,The jag panzer4,The T26 light tank and the Archer tank destroyer.Miho orders hana onto a bridge,and asks Yukari to load a shell.As she picks up the shell,she tries not to make eye contact with you,Her hands shaking.she almost drops the shell,but you use your quick reflexes to catch the shell.You pass it to Yukari who thanks you,Blushing even harder.

(Yukari POV)

I feel this feeling that I've been feeling the whole day,Is it fear,Anger?I shrug it off,thinking it's just becuase of the fact there's now a boy on the crew.I want to befriend him,after all,he knows just as much about tanks as me,I heard his quiz with the history club,but,I'm too shy,people might thinkwe're in a relationship.....But he's been helping me out the whole day,Now even my hands are shaking from that feeling.....Now he's helping to keep my hands steady as I shakily push the shell into the barrel and spot the Stug.Shayn fires,taking it out and recieving an applause from the,he's as good a shot as he is knowledgable in tanks.....

(back to the 2nd person Pov)

You see smoke and a white flag emerge from the StuG.Miho says,"Nice shot!"Yukari follows suit,saying,"W-wow,nice shot"."Well,we couldn't have done it without your Shell!So it's just one for both of us."Just then Miho yells,"chat later!The type 89's on the Left.Shayn,Turn the turret 35 degrees to the left,Yukari ,You know what to do!"just about then,Yukari stops shaking,she loads a shell in and I take the chance to fire.There goes the Type 89,you think to yourself.the shell whistles throught the air,and the type 89 Raises the white flag.2 down 2 to go,you hear Hana say.Yukari loads yet another shell.The tank doesn't stop,and then,hana catches a glimpse of the Hetzer.She starts chasing it,at full speed.Then,at a junction,we all catch the Sight of The Char B1 making an ambush.The Char B fires its 75mm cannon at us,though I turned the turret fast enough to point the gun the right way,but Yukari hands start shaking again,causing me to stall my shot.Then an explosion rocks the tank and we realze,we're out.Then The char B takes out the Hetzer with a shot from the 37mm,the advantage of havin' 2 guns. Then the match ends,And the destroyed tank is towed back by the M3 Lee,which stayed out of the match due to lack of suitable ammunition.Then the Crowd celebrates the Char B's victory.You take the oppurtunity to talk to Yukari a little more."H-hey,Shayn,Are you dissapointed at how I hesitated when My hands were shaking as I was loading,Sorry,I have this weird feeling when I'm around you,like this feeling that makes me shake a little,and causes me to blush.I'm so sor-"I cut her off,replying"You didn't dissapoint me,nothing you do can ever make me feel dissapointment in you."

Yukari's POV

Shayn finishes saying how he'll never feel dissapointment in me.The feeling I've been feeling the whole day eaches a new hieght.My heart rate starts to increase.I Nervously thank him for his encouraging words that made me feel so much better."Thanks a lot Shayn,you're so sweet!"I say as I pull him into a tight hug.

Back to your 2ND person POV

Yukari pulls me into a sqeezes my hand tightly,after saying,"Thanks a lot Shayn,Your so sweet!"You start to feel your face rapidly heat up.You've never felt so warm before,not even in the baking summer heat.Just then,Erwin showed up,along with Miho,Saori and Hana."U-uh,what's going on?"Saori immedietely asks.Riko answers hastily."I think we have a pair of Lovebirds!"Yukari closed eyes instantly widen,and she pushes me aside and says,"I-i-its's not W-w-What is looks li-ike!"She says before rushing off to the next class,Engineering,which is mandatory for all students my grade.I also rush off,Needing to be at the same class,along with Miho,Saori,hana and the history club.The whole Tankery team,apart from the new comers,Also go to the same class.everyone takes their seat,and I try to find an empty seat,but Riko stands up,offering me her seat,so she can sit with takeko and Kiyomi and the back of the class."But that's your seat!It's O-""Nah,it's Ok,(whispers in your ear)Then you can sit with your Love.""I never said I liked her....""But she loves you,I mean.""Fine fine"I take the seat next to Yukari,and my face starts to heat up........for the second time today."hey,Yukari,It's Ok to be yourself you know,Riko was just teasing you..."Yukari avoids eye contact and mumbles:"sorry,I get really excited when People who know as much about tanks as I do make me feel better.""That's alright."The class then began and Your introduced to the Teacher,Mr Knispel.After that,You learn about Road wheels,and how to make a Christie suspension in a pair.Yukari pairs up with you,despite the 'Incident" earlier.You Test it out,and Yukari takes notes about whether the suspension works properly and if the Tracks can be removed easily.After the engineering class,The bell rings,signalling the end of the day.

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