Chapter 10-The date

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The next week on New Year's Eve.
The girls are getting ready for the New Years party.

"Hey you girls ready?" Molly asks.
"Yes" they all reply in unison

All the girls grab there bags and head to the cafe where Molly works as the party is being held there.
They walk in an can't believe the transformation of the place, decorations, lights and a Happy New year banner.

"It's amazing how big the cafe looks" says Molly

Molly jumps at the sound of the male voice behind her

"It does look bigger doesn't it"
Molly quickly turns round and sees that it is Caleb, laughs and slaps him on the arm "you made me jump" she says
"Sorry Moll you excited for tomorrow night?" Caleb asks.
"Yup" Molly replies.

Everyone has fun at the party till it comes to the countdown.

Its time for the countdown.

"10....9....8.....7.....6.....5.....4.....3....2.....1.....HAPPY NEW YEAR" everyone shouts.

Caleb kisses Molly's cheek.
And all the couples kiss.

The next day on 2nd January.
Lola takes Molly out for the day so the rest of the group can sort out the birthday party.
About 2:00pm Lola takes Molly back home for the party.
They get back to Molly's.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone shouts.
"Awwww guys" Molly says.
"Happy birthday girl" Lola says.

All the girls hug Molly.

"Happy birthday" all the boys say.

They all talk and have fun playing board games and having friendly banter with each other.

Molly opens presents and Thanks everyone for her gifts, she had a jumper, a dvd, a scented candle, a bracelet, bath bombs, a set of make up brushes, a gift voucher, a bottle of Dior perfume and a framed picture of  the group all together.
Molly make the rounds of hugging her friends and thanking them.

"I love all my presents so much Thank you, definitely the best birthday ever I have my amazing friends and my mom and dad are here too" Molly says tearfully
"Hey sweetheart no tears you have more presents and a cake to come yet" Mollys dad says as he enters the room carrying a box.
"This is from me, you always wanted one when you were little but because of my work back then we never stayed in one place long so I hope it is still something that you want" Molly's dad says.

Molly opens the box, and she start to cry and runs to her dad and hugs him.

"You remembered I love you dad Thank you" Molly says.

Molly's dad has to wipe away the tear that is just about to escape him.

"I love you too my beautiful girl and from now on I am going to make more time for us to have a father daughter relationship"
"Seeing you more is the best present you give me dad" Molly says
"Go and spend some time with your friend in the box before you have your moms present to open and the birthday cake" Molly's dad says.

Molly walks over to the box she left on the table this time taking a better look inside and all of a sudden eyes open and there is a loud meow, Molly picks up the beautiful black kitten who is wearing a blue collar.

"What's the gender?" Molly asks.
"It's a boy" Molly's dad says.
"I am going to call you Binks" Molly says
"Right one last present then you can blow out your candles" Molly's mom says
"Ok bring on the last present" Molly says while passing Binks to Lola.

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