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i dont know about you
but my fingers keep bursting the same melody
on and on
and I can't help but think
will I ever change the tone of my creations?
will they ever sound more like me
and less like a made up thing I did while thinking about u
im tired of writing and singing only about you
I wanna talk and sing about me
I wanna create someting so special people will wonder where i took it
and i'll say in my old broken mind
in my fucking mind
yup,I did this
and you know what?
I didin't even think about you at all
oh what a release it would be
to float on my own
whithout your stupid promises and lies
and your pretty fucking words I breathe
like even the smallest piece of you is perfect
and I keep thinking..why on earth do I still want you?
the answer's simple
i love you

fuck you.

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