Part 48( strange feeling)

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After few weeks.
The war was still going on both the sides were very strong and neither anyone was backing off.
Arjun was sitting in the tent thinking of new plans and ideas.
Karn comes to him and sees him thinking.
Karn: Arjun looking busy
Arjun: (sees him) aree no was just seeking for new plans
Karn: without me
Arjun: thought you're busy so...
Karn: it's ok
Karn sits with him and both work on some new plans and strategies.

In Panchal.
Draupadi was walking in the garden. Thinking something.
Draupadi: (sees a flower) oh Arjun when are you coming back here everything is reminding me of you pls come back fast na.
She hears footsteps and she turns and finds her mother coming to her
Draupadi: mata what happened?
Prasti: putri what happened to you I am seeing you from many days just talking to yourself.
Draupadi remains silent.
Prasti: I am your mother na you can tell me.
Draupadi remembers how she used to share each and every thing with kunti in childhood. She remembers a flashback.

When Pandavas and Draupadi used to live in forest.
All the children used to play together.
Near the hut only nakul and Draupadi were making something with mud. Nakul made himselve full dirty and Arjun and Sahdev were laughing seeing them , while bheem was busy eating his fruits and yudhishthir was with pandu.
Arjun: seems like we got ghosts
Sahdev: yaa bhrata
Both laughs. But Nakul and Sahdev shows tongue to them and Focus back.
Arjun: nakul, krishnaa  don't you both think mata is gone scold you so much today.
Draupadi: no she loves us.
Arjun: really??
Nakul: don't be jealous bhrata mata loves us she will not scold us.
Sahdev: don't you remember nakul when last time you played in rain and drenched yourself how much scolding you got.
Nakul remembers how much everyone scolded him and gulps in fear.
Nakul: (slowly) Draupadi I think we should clean ourself fast or mata will scold us.
Draupadi: (stands) she will not* and runs near hut and shouts* mata
Kunti and madri comes out and sees Draupadi face was colored with mud
Kunti(kneels): putri what is this why did you coloured yourself with mud
Draupadi: mata I was just playing carefully so by mistalky this happened( says sadly)
Madri: aree Draupadi don't be sad we were just concerned na so asked.
Draupadi: but Mata Savyasachi and sahdev told that you'll scold me for this
Arjun, Sahdev and nakul were not able to listen their conversation so came to them.
Kunti: phalgun why you scared my putri?
Arjun: me
Madri: yes she told us and why were you both laughing at them
Arjun: (goes to madri) mata do you think I'll laugh at them I was tensed because they both very making themselves and their clothes dirty ( cutely) we both were just concerned.
Both Nakul and Draupadi sees each other shockingly.
Madri: ( melts down) oh it's okay don't feel bad Arjun.
Kunti:( sees Arjun confusly and then to nakul and  Draupadi) you both clean yourself.
Draupadi sees Arjun who winks at her she frowns and goes to clean her face and hands.
Flashback ends~

Draupadi smiles remembering her childhood.
Then sees prashti standing before her so sees her.
Draupadi: mata I don't why but I am feeling weird a strange  feeling  like something close to me is going far.
Prasti makes her sit down. And holds her hands.
Prasti: I don't what is going inside your heart but one thing I can say don't ever worry because I know you're strong enough to handle it. And putri never loose hope I know you'll not let anything bad happen
Hearing this lines she gets happy. And hugs her.
Draupadi: mata now tell me when is bhabhi gonna come.
Prasti(smiles): soon...

After sometime Draupadi was sitting and hears a sound of falling something and turns and sees box fallen ( same one which had the diamond).
She goes to pick it. She opens the box but the ruby was missing.
Draupadi: oh god where did it gone (sees around) where is it.
Bends down and sees the ruby she takes it in hand but now it's colour was turned black.
Draupadi: why did it's colour changed (sits down holding it in hand)
She gets lost in her thoughts then suddenly feels the same feeling as fast and the colour changes in which changes in red.
Draupadi: it turned red does it signify danger.... No it's just my over thinking ( she closes her hand which had the ruby  ) I'll not think more I'll just think of Arjun for now.
She tries to change her mind and closes her eyes remembering their moments.
She opens her eyes.

Both are shown missing each other.
Draupadi: I am missing you so much when are you coming back,  you only told me that you'll come soon to take me
Arjun: not my fault it's just that I want to fulfill your wish of been the best archer you wanted to hear na that I am best so for you only I came but Krishnaa i also didn't know that it will take so much time.
Draupadi: I am waiting for you since a month now I really want to see you I know you're not away from me but...
Arjun: really krishnaa I want to see you hold you, take you back in my life. I will soon come and make you mine forever and ever....
Draupadi: I'll be waiting for the day when you'll back.
Sees the ruby which turned pink signifying love.
She smiles and puts the ruby back.

Arjun: Krishnaa just some more time and I'll come to you.
He turns to go but without his knowledge his thred falls down.

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