Chapter four:

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"I need your help." I repeated and heard a bed squeak as the man got up. I got out of the car and locked the doors, keeping my phone tight to my ear as I walked into the building.

"What's going on, Crystal?" He asked and I heard clothes rustling. He must be getting dressed.

"I might be in danger. Jake is demanding I give him what he wants. He said if I give it to anyone else he will kill me." I said in a quiet voice as I passed people and walked upstairs and unlocked my door and shut and locked it. I set my keys and purse on the counter and looked around.

"Fuck. And police are no good. Are you okay right now? Do you need me there? I can transfer and be there in just a few days." He said and I smiled.

"Please. I need you here." I said and sat down on my bed.

"I'd do anything for you, Crystal. I love you." He said and then I heard keys tapping. As always, he was on his computer. But I knew he was transferring to my college.

"And I love you Clay." I said and smiled to myself.

"Well I'll text you later okay? I need to do this paperwork and call the dean. It should be an issue for me to transfer. I'll even work on getting into the same dorm as you." He said and I heard a knock on my door.

"Alright, clay. I love you. Talk to you later." I said then clicked the end call button and got up hesitantly. When I got to my door I took a deep breath before unlocking it and opening it and instantly was met by lelands emerald green eyes. "Can I help you Leland?"

"You left before practice was over. What's wrong? I saw you talking with Ethan. Did he say something to make you run away?" He asked as he didn't move from the doorway.

"No. He was really nice. Told me I'm the new flavor of the week. That you were with Emma last week. What? Do you have a thing for freshmen? I'm sorry but I'm not doing this. Keep your jersey. Don't bug me anymore. I've got class soon." I said and turned away and grabbed my black hoodie off the hanger and put it on before grabbing my book bag and turning to face Leland who was staring at me. "What?"

"Did you just reject me?" He asked.

"We were never an option, Leland." I said and nudged him away from door as I grabbed my keys and purse and shut the door and locked it before walking to the stairs but Leland grabbed my arm. "Let me go, Leland."

"No one, rejects me." He said and glared at me.

"Too damn bad. I'm not into players." I said and jerked my arm free and kept walking. Having a player trying to get with me is not what I need right now. My phone buzzed but I ignored it and kept walking until I reached the quad and then walked down a different path to get to the math building. I heard footsteps behind me and spun to see the guy from yesterday.

"Hey, hey, relax. I'm not here to hurt you." He said and held up his hands. "I'm Ethan. We talked earlier on the bleachers about Leland and that guy threatening you."

"Oh hi. Sorry. Just a little on edge right now." I said and turned back around and kept walking.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he fell into step beside me. Even he towered over me.

"Honestly? No. I'm waiting for someone to transfer here. He can protect me." I said and held my purse tight in my hands. "God, I could use a strong drink right now."

"But aren't you underage?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, so? When has that ever stopped anyone in college before?" I asked with a chuckle and then stopped in front of he building.

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