Why is everything so heavy

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Baron sit crying on a bench in a park in Orlando. He's at the point, where he don't give a fuck anymore, who see him crying. He can't handle it anymore. The pain, the flashbacks, the nightmares and that he cut his, arms due to that all is way to much for him to carry. He need somebody who love him, who heal him and accept him as he is. He has nobody. He was born in Armenia. To be more specific, he was born in Artsakh. He had a bad childhood, and his parents died as he was ten years old.

That was when he got dragged to America. He got thrown in a orphanage, where he got treated pretty badly. At the age of 18 he ran away. Baron somehow managed to get his driver license, a house and a good payed job. And for a few years, his life was great. Until he turned 35 one year back. There he meat the man who pretended that he love Baron. Desmond was a good actor. But soon, he showed his true self, and that was when Baron went to hell and back. Today he's 36, and still can't let go of that bad time. He moved to Orlando after that, but he's still afraid, that Desmond will find him again.

Baron often thought about killing himself. But until now, he stayed with only cutting his arms. Both his forearms show big and small scars from self harm. The other scars he has, he became trough Desmond. A few big scars on his chest, stomach, back and one big slashed scar on his right cheek. A few of them still hurt. Baron need somebody who help him. But he don't know who. He has nobody to talk to. And he lost his job. If this carry on, he's soon homeless. And that's his second worst nightmare. His first is, that Desmond might find him again, and probably kill him.

A sob leave his mouth. Luckily he's all alone here. Well, that's at least what he thought. But suddenly someone sit down next to him. Baron flinch.

,,Hey, I'm not going to harm you." A deep sexy voice speak calmly.

Wait a minute. That voice. It sound so familiar.... As Baron look up, his mouth almost drop open. It's fucking Geoff Castelucci.

,,I'm Geoff. Can I help you somehow?" He ask.

Baron's heart begin to beat faster. But at the same time he get scared. Scared of fucking Geoff Castelucci. A beautiful, sweet and kind man. He would never harm a soul. But still, his bad past made him scared of everything and everyone.

,,I'm Baron. I don't know. I think it's better if I kill myself." Baron sob.

,,I don't know you Baron, but what I do know is, that suicide isn't a way out. I can help you if you want." Geoff say.

Baron start to think about it. It sound nice, but on the other hand, he don't want to be a burden for him.

,,It sound nice. But I don't want to be a burden for you."

,,I am always glad if I can help." Geoff smile.

,,Thank you."

,,No worries."

Baron get dizzie all of a sudden. But he stopped drinking and eating a while back. And suddenly everything is black. As he wake up, he see a white ceiling. Is he dead? No this can't be. As he look around he see a room. It's probably a guest room. Then his eyes fell on the door. There, Geoff walk in with a glass of water and a plate with food. It smell delicious. Baron start to remember what happened. He still can't belive that out of all, Geoff fucking Castelucci found him. His heart begin to beat faster again.

Baron POV

I slowly sit up. But in that moment my head start to hurt. I pinch my eyes together for a moment. Then the pain slowly fade. Geoff sit down next to me on a chair. He give me the glass of water. I take it, and down the whole glass in one go. It feel so good.

,,Thank you."

,,No worries." Geoff smile.

Then he hand me the plate. On it is meat with salad and french fries. I thank him again. And then I start to eat. When I'm done, he take the plate and bring it away.

,,Where am I?" I ask.

,,In our Voiceplay shared apartment. Layne, Eli, J None and I have our own rooms. But we share the kitchen, the two bathrooms and the living room." Geoff explain.

,,You can talk to me whenever you want. I will keep it secret. Your wounds look bad too. Maybe you should visit a doctor." He say after some time of silence.

I have a blue eye due to him, a few scratches and such. The last time I saw him was two weeks back. There I had to go back where I lived before, cause I had to fetch my dog from my best friend. She watched him, until I got everything done here.

,,It's okay. Where's Keno, my dog?" I ask paniced.

Geoff point in the corner of the room. There he lay. Peacefully asleep. I sigh in relief. I'm still scared. Should I open myself? Can I trust him? I don't really know. Yes, he's a beautiful man with a big heart. And he's so sweet and kind. But still, I'm scared. Scared of him, and scared to tell him what happened. But maybe it will help me, to finally open up and talk about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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