Chapter 1

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1 Year Ago

Arden and her family got off the plane from Italy. Arden recently participated in a competition there and won the overall prize. She was offered to compete in one in New York, but she refused because she felt she was behind in her studies.

"Arden, are you tired?" Moon Jisoo, her dad's girlfriend, or fiancé asked.

Mr.Jo met Moon Jisoo at work when she was comforting her friend after a surgery and the two instantly got along. Jisoo even had a daughter who was Haein age, Kim Hyunjoo. Mr.Jo thought it was a good idea to propose to his girlfriend in Italy before they left and she said yes.

Haein and Arden was excited to have to another mother figure, hopefully she was better than their birth mother.

But back to the present. They walked through the airport and Arden heard people calling her name. She saw Seokkyung and Seokhoon waving at her.

"Arden!" Seokkyung said as she gave the girl a hug. "Was Italy fun?"

"It was. We mostly did sight seeing before my competitions" Arden answered.

"Well I'm glad you're back" Seokkyung said.

Arden felt a tap on her shoulder and saw Seokhoon with a bouquet of flowers. Even though it's been a week, she felt like she hasn't seen Seokhoon in years and hugged him.

"These flowers are for you" he said and gave her the bouquet.

"Thank you. These are beautiful" she said as she sniffed the roses.

"Who are those two?" He asked pointing towards Jisoo and Hyunjoo.

"That would be my future stepmother and stepsister" she answered and the twins eyes widened.

"Your dad is getting married again?!" They asked shocked.

"Yeah, he proposed to her while we were in Italy" she answered. "I also didn't know is that Hyunjoo goes to Cheong Ah Middle School along with Haein."

"Is her and Haein in the same department?" Seokkyung asked.

"Yes, but Hyunjoo does opera as well. So she sometimes asks me to help with her singing."

Just then Mr.Jo walked over towards them. "How's your father doing?"

"He's doing fine" Seokhoon answered.

"It was nice seeing the two of you, but were tired and I have to get Jisoo and her daughter home as well. I'll see you guys around in Hera Palace" Mr.Jo said as he placed a hand of Arden's shoulder. "Let's get home."

Arden waved goodbye to the twins as she walked to her father's car. They put their luggage in and began to drive home.

"Arden, was that your boyfriend?" Hyunjoo asked and she nodded. "Wow! He's handsome!"

- • -

"When is the wedding?" Arden asked as the three of them were eating dinner.

"We're planning it for it to be in 6 months" Mr.Jo answered.

"Have you told the others?" Haein asked.

"I told the others while we were in Italy and your mother found out because of Jenny's mom" Mr.Jo answered.

"Are you inviting mom?" Arden asked.

"I wasn't planning to, but Jisoo told me to do it" Mr.Jo replied.

"Is she bringing that Jang Jiwook guy?"

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